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  • #74320
    Seated Shower…..

    Half an Hour ago I had the first ever shower in my life !

    Two years ago the O.T. gave a list of recommendations and I followed all but one
    to the letter. I could not give up by lovely long baths. They did give me a bath-lift
    and I promised when there was the next plumbing problem I would switch.

    Plumbing problem happened and instead of a repair I have duly moved to a seated
    shower. Things have been getting progressivelt more difficult so it was a “no brainer”.

    After one shower I am hooked. You just able in, sit down and hot water just pours over
    you. The riser holds the shower head as i couldn’t, it is just wonderful.

    We worked out the baths were costing me £ 1.82 a time. My nPower energy monitor
    tells me the 14 minute shower cost £0.13.

    Why did I not listen to the nice O.T. lady.

    After they also removed my oven and hob (microwave now) and my gas heating, I
    am now all electric and have so much less to worry about.

    Stubborn patient wrong, Nice O.T. right. Please learn.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Seated Shower…..

    Glad its working out for you.

    Weve been shower only for 15 years and I miss the odd bath.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Seated Shower…..

    Welcome to the rainy side Taung, lol. I have a wet room and a stoolwhich I use for theshower or to sit at the sink, really need to up-grade to wheely one so I can wheel from bedroom to bathroom and back again. I used to love long soaks in the tub but tey were getting too uncomfortable, my back curve meant that most of my middle was out the water and I always had bruises on my hed where I leant back.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Seated Shower…..

    @catatude wrote:

    Weve been shower only for 15 years and I miss the odd bath.

    Yes I will miss the bath, but it is the only way to go and way overdue.

    @amgmod wrote:

    Welcome to the rainy side Taung, lol. I have a wet room and a stoolwhich I use for theshower or to sit at the sink, really need to up-grade to wheely one so I can wheel from bedroom to bathroom and back again. I used to love long soaks in the tub but tey were getting too uncomfortable, my back curve meant that most of my middle was out the water and I always had bruises on my hed where I leant back.

    Glad to join you all and sorry you had so many problems. I kept tripping and baths are very solid things.

    Have had four showers in two days. You just sit there and the lovely warm water just
    sprays over you all held in place on the riser bar. Why did I delay so long.

    Change – we do not like change !

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
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