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  • #125772
    Scared about PIP/DLA ending


    I am just wondering when and how I will have to apply for PIP. I currently receive DLA and I am scared as my condition is quite complex as in invisible, I look normal etc etc. I am in pain and struggle with walking and working, what will I do if I am not a candidate for PIP? I’m really scared, I can’t work full time anymore, I don’t know what I’ll do. All the info online and in the news is too overwhelming.

    Edit: How do I find out when my DLA runs out? I cannot find my paperwork. I just tried one of those points calculators and I don’t qualify for pip on that. Bloody hell I don’t know what I am gonna do.

    Posts: 32
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    Were your awards for a set period or indefinite?

    If indefinite, you will be contacted about the switch to PIP, do nothing. I am waiting for this and letting sleeping dogs lie ;)

    If your awards were for a set period, call them, they can send you an award letter, also they should send you a letter before the period ends, I think.
    (Telephone: 0345 712 3456
    Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending


    My name is Shivani and I am the Senior Campaigns, Advocacy and Information Officer at Muscular Dystrophy UK.

    We understand how challenging it can be to get the right support sometimes, especially when you have a more rare condition. However, our advocacy service is here to help and fight your corner.

    The changes are happening very slowly, and the government is aiming to invite everyone who is currently on DLA to apply for PIP by late 2017. Once you get the letter inviting you, we can help by providing you with advice and guidance on filling out the form and what type of evidence you should provide.

    We also know many people in our Advocacy Ambassadors network who have gone through the process and who would be happy to speak to you about their experience as well as to share tips and advice about what they found helpful.

    We can also help you appeal a decision if you don’t get the right level of support.

    In the meantime, our friendly information team would be happy to send you over some information on how the PIP assessment works. Please do give us a call on 0800 652 6352 or email us at

    I hope this helps :)

    Muscular Dystrophy UK staff member

    Alexa Follen
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    I’ll be in touch with you guys when I get my letter :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    Thank you for your replies!

    My award was indefinite. I just worry because at the moment I work 4 days a week and struggle on that! I’m panicking with this being in the news so much.

    I have looked and looked and I don’t see how I will qualify for PIP going off the calculators.

    Can anyone advise me what the best benefit/help or what I should do if I don’t qualify. I can work but only part time as it’s either one or the other – work and have no energy strength for chores, life or work part time with help and be able to live my life and do day to day things. I just have this worry that I am not going to get any help and with the fatigue and pain I suffer I don’t know what I will do. I am sitting here trying to think what I will do, if I go back to working full time I think I will become really ill. :(

    Ugh my thoughts are racing with worry.

    Posts: 32
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    When I was a working girl I used to claim working tax credits, I was working 30 hours a week and my wages were topped up. This is a means tested benefit, also as a singleton my grounds was disability, and that I was receiving DLA.

    When tackling forms, remember you must be able to do something “safely and numerous times” (I’ve forgotten their trite phrase) and also worst/bad day abilities, not best bright days. Keep a copy of what you state.

    It might be worth, for peace of mind, to give Advocavy a call, you can begin preparing for the switch.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    Thanks AMG, I only qualify for a tenner a week on tax credits with my boyfriend living with me even though his full time wage is very little and we still just make ends meet. Oh well it will be back to full time work I think and a nervous breakdown. There’s no way I can get pip looking at that calculator they have. I am in a lot of pain each day and my condition affects my whole body; working full time I will have no energy to look after myself or anything again but I suppose I am okay and can work and there is no little tick box for any of that.

    edit: sorry for the rant, I’m just a bit scared. Also if I don’t qualify for pip I won’t be allowed tax credits any more will I?

    Posts: 32
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    “Reliably, Repeatedly, Safely, and in a Timely Manner”.

    Is the phrase.

    Many people and organisations have fought hard to get this
    enshrined in disability testing.

    In terms of fairness all these criteria must apply when making
    judgements on the capability of disabled people to work.

    MD people must stress the variability of a lot of their symptoms.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    Well IDS quits, can Georgie now bog off too. :neener:

    Posts: 32
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    edit: sorry for the rant, I’m just a bit scared. Also if I don’t qualify for pip I won’t be allowed tax credits any more will I?

    You may still be eligible – it all depends on the household income, as it is means tested.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    “Reliably, Repeatedly, Safely, and in a Timely Manner”.

    Is the phrase.

    Many people and organisations have fought hard to get this
    enshrined in disability testing.

    In terms of fairness all these criteria must apply when making
    judgements on the capability of disabled people to work.

    MD people must stress the variability of a lot of their symptoms.

    That’s it!

    Use that phrase in your claim, that you CANNOT do x in a “Reliably, Repeatedly, Safely, and in a Timely Manner” :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Reply To: Scared about PIP/DLA ending

    I have to admit I’m also worried about the changeover myself due to how our disease looks to the eye. I’m hoping that indefinite awards are left till last as they’re probably the most genuine (according to the disgusting DWP) Indefinite awards should instantly qualify for PIP as far as I’m concerned, anyway I hope this shakeup with IDS leaving will make a but of a backlog to deal with. I guess we’ll all keep each other informed. And good to see Shivani’s post

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