Run fot the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

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  • #73564
    Run fot the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign

    The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is asking people in London to help those affected by muscle-wasting conditions by taking part in 2 charity run’s this May.

    5km Superhero Run, 15th May 2011
    Dress up in a Superhero outfit. Become Superman or Superwoman for the day and dash like a speeding bullet through 5km of London’s Regent’s Park on May 15th.

    Registration is just £20 and includes a goody bag and superhero outfit. The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is asking participants to raise a minimum of £100 sponsorship to help the 70,000 babies, children and adults with muscle wasting conditions.

    Bupa 10,000 10Km run, 30th May 2011
    For those of you who fancy a more challenging run you can take part in The London Buba 10,000 a 10km run through the streets of London. To run for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign in this event the registration fee is just £25 with a minimum of £100 sponsorship.

    Each runner will receive a fundraising pack and t-shirt. There will also be a welcome reception on the day and supporters of the charity to cheer you on as you run.

    To register for these events please visit:
    or contact Laura Watts on 07771 374 843 or e-mail

    Posts: 1
    Joined: 10/03/2011
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