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  • #74657
    Review: Biobidet 1000

    I am going to review, from an MD perspective, the Biobidet 1000.

    Product Description: A unit that replaces your toilet seat to provide a warm water bidet. It is plumbed into the water and electric supply and is approved for connection to the UK water supply.

    You can then use a remote control (wireless) to operate a range of functions to improve hygiene, dignity and bowel function.

    Website: (full product data and videos from the company)
    or (UK distributer, but sold in many disability equipment shops)
    or to get the American version we shipped it to the UK from as recommended by

    Style: BB-1000 comes in TWO version (round [very small hole] and elongated seat) with two different controls (one sold in US/Canada and a different on in the UK). White finish.

    Price: We purchases and shipped in from Bidet King (because the UK don’t import the ‘elongated’ version for £579 US Dollars + about $95 USD shipping (no customs charge was made on this medical item).

    UK Price from PDS Hygiene as an example (round version, UK remote only) £576.00 + VAT.

    Fitting: We were going to be charged over £1000 from our local disability equipment shop to purchase and install this product which comes with instructions and ‘kit’ to plum it into yourself (although you might need to get the bathroom electrics sorted out). Website has full data to save you some money!.

    What we thought

    Seat shape

    Firstly, due to having wide hips (and a big gap between the bony parts of my hip which take all the seating pressure) I can not sit on most toilet seats where the bony bits would sit outside the hole and press on the seat. I need to take the weight on my thighs, supporting the body.

    Seat shape

    Most commodes and some toilet seats have a very small hole and toilet seat bevel that is quite steep. This can cause me agony or a severe dead leg within about 20 seconds. The Biobidet 1000 is similar to a commode in terms of the hole width and as it was, I was unable to sit on the seat directly (even my husband got a numb leg). Also, I tend to sit on level seats that are well rounded and cup my hip to provide sitting up ability. The bidet does not ‘cup’ the pelvis well and the seat may tilt forward from back to front depending on how it is installed. This might be great for people who struggle to stand – but with MD we know that sometimes this can throw us forward and cause instability

    It is really important to be able to balance, relax and actually empty your bladder and bowel properly with a good hip angle (too much tilt of the pelvis can apparently cause obstruction and make it harder to ‘go’).

    I was sad to see that the seat would not be suitable for my pelvic shape and lack of muscle tone/balance.

    :arrow: This is a big problem – because the bidet will only work when there is physical skin contact with the seat (it has a sensor in it which activates the bidet automatically when you sit on it , switching it on). It means you can not alter the seat by putting a pressure relief cushion on it or change the seat for one you know you can sit on.

    How we got around the problem was with some electronic engineering which involved putting a round toilet seat on top of the unit, sealing it off, making an electronic key to activate the bidet. Of course if the unit breaks we have made the guarantee void etc… but it means I can now sit on it.

    :arrow: The second problem is that you can’t use an electronic toilet riser with the bidet. (We did some engineering and plumbing to get around this problem as I use a toilet riser for some transfers).

    :arrow: The third problem is that it will raise the height of the toilet seat slightly – so you might need to modify a stool or something to put your feet on (and keeping the knees raised ‘squatting’ as much as possible when seated is better for emptying your bowels when you haven’t got much push from your abdominal muscles).


    The UK remote is stiffer to press and portrait style but has bigger buttons. The US remote is landscape style, smaller buttons but I could press them with weak fingers and found this unit easier to hold on my lap with two hands.

    You can read about all the function on their web site but in summary the bidet has three main buttons (posterior wash, feminine wash (nozzle comes out a little more and the water has gentle air bubbled through it for a softer squirt!), an enema function (single jet of water *if your dystrophy causes any anal sphincter/prolapse problems then possibly not a good one to use).

    You can also press a button for a 90 second dry from a lovely warm fan (or cold fan if you want).

    You can control the water temperature. It gives you about 1 button press (40-60 seconds in duration) of warm water before it goes cold. If it goes cold, you wait 3 minutes for the bidet to warm it up again!

    You don’t have to hold the buttons down (hurrah) and you can stop it at any time.
    You can press a button to have the water go left to right as another option or in little spurts.
    If you find it hard to go to the loo, little spurts can stimulate the bowel and help with constipation.

    Nozzle positon

    All a bidet does is send water out (at a pressure you control) of drinking water quality to clean or freshen you up.
    A little pipe comes out from the back of the bidet and sends out a stream of water. You can choose from about 5 positions (how far it comes out) to clean the place you want.

    :arrow: Problem, if you have a pelvic tilt or twist (or scoliosis) you may find your anatomy is about an inch further forward or to the side of where the bidet shoots the water! If you can alter the position of your anatomy by leaning left right/forward then this will help. Also, the higher your knees, the more I find my body assumes a ‘normal’ position for the water.


    Higher level of dignity is provided – not having to have someone else clean you or help you.
    Makes you feel fresher and more confident.
    Gives you more energy – wiping used to suck the energy right out of me!
    Long term, can improve bowel health and help with constipation.


    Was not suitable for me ‘out of the box’ due to pelvic weakness and displacement.
    Took a year to source a unit for the elongated version (so I could still put my hand down the front of the pan if needed to wipe, and it is was better for male seating positions).
    Had to design more support for feet to balance on and adjust the angle of the seat. (We use loft insulation).
    Can’t sit on the toilet seat lid (PA’s and husband used to do this whilst doing personal care).


    Import the unit – cheaper and the remote was much better!
    Consider if your pelvic shape might make it hard to sit on one (try out a ‘commode’ or go to a changing places toilet to sit on other bidet type seats – if these are ok then you would probably be ok.
    Worth every penny so far – don’t delay if you are struggling!
    If the water is too strong and feels like hailstones on your bum – slightly turn your main water pressure down lol.

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    @criptic wrote:

    If the water is too strong and feels like hailstones on your bum – slightly turn your main water pressure down lol.


    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    That’s an excellent and very full review, criptic, thanks.

    Along similar lines, I’ve had installed for a while now a Clos-o-mat toilet, which performs many of the same sort of functions. You can also use it with a specially designed toilet riser if you need one, which was very useful to me for some time – not now, as I need to be hoisted these days.

    Unwary visitors have been known to get confused about the controls when trying to flush the thing, press the wrong button, and give themselves a facial wash and blow-dry by mistake. Shrieks from the bathroom generally let everyone know what’s happened…

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    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    ha ha = I’m lucky the bidet functions are on the control panel so the flush is normal and doesn’t get mixed up – seeing a PA cleaning the loo and getting a facial wash would be hysterical though….. *wicked but funny all the same.

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    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    What make and model was the toilet riser you mentioned? Is it a raised seat or does it mechanically elevate you?

    Posts: 130
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    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    @chagrin wrote:

    What make and model was the toilet riser you mentioned? Is it a raised seat or does it mechanically elevate you?

    The one that we have is a Palma Vita Compatible lifter, which is designed to fit over the Clos-o-mat toilet. It elevates the user mechanically, to standing height if needed.

    Details here:

    Posts: 564
    Joined: 24/01/2011
    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    I fitted a Biobidet 1000 onto a TA toilet riser (Danish). – full spec (I have an English version of it)

    As below

    … see next post for how it looks in our bathroom.

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Review: Biobidet 1000

    Couldn’t find one with the bidet on – doesn’t look much different to this…. how we installed it …. it is very unobtrusive unlike the closomat ones. The arms lift up and it goes a good range of lift straight up.

    Here is my Pinterest board for toilets risers and seats:

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
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