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  • #75601

    Afternoon peeps. how we all doing?
    ive got a question for you. yesterday, I went for my yearly consultancy with the neurologist.
    I was telling him about my farce with stuck in for months and months, due to the council and having no ramp. yes peeps, im still waiting for a move lol.
    anyway, the dr asked about getting picked up and taken out by organisations. so I explained about how if your a teen, there is organisations such as Martin House. but nothing really for adults.
    now he mentioned the MDA, but I always thought that they were only in America.
    am I correct in my thinking?


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Re: question

    :scratch: unless the initials stand for something other than Muscular Dystrophy Association, I am of the same mind as you [but could be wrong]

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: question

    thanks Amy


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Re: question

    can lgmd affect your eyes in anyway as im struggling to focus on the television

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 19/06/2015
    Re: question

    locally to me their is voluntary and joint funded groups by charities, church groups and council for children and for oaps. but nothing inbetween. scottish passenger transport does offer a dial a bus service that comes to your door and I think pretty much takes you anyplace locally you need to go but I believed its a pre book plan ahead service. never used it but will at some point just to try it out as local access taxi provission is pants.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
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