Protest against cuts at No. 10 Downing Street

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  • #73281
    Protest against cuts at No. 10 Downing Street

    I’m going to be attending this tomorrow. Hoping for a good turnout and looking forward to hearing the Rev Jesse Jackson and Tony Benn give their speeches. 8-)

    Is anyone else going down for this? Expect I’ll be doing a bit of tweeting on the day and will do a post on here afterwards.

    There’s an article in the Evening Standard about it, not much press coverage elsewhere at the moment, but hopefully there will be more tomorrow. And look out for a response to the CSR on the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign website.


    Posts: 166
    Joined: 16/08/2010
    Re: Protest against cuts at No. 10 Downing Street

    I wish I could but it’s a long and expensive journey to London for me.

    Hope it goes okay, don’t want the police branding you all as anarchists and herding you into Trafalgar Square for several hours for having the nerve to speak up!

    I look forward to not seeing it on the BBC News but I will serch the internet for better coverage.

    Posts: 283
    Joined: 08/09/2010
    Re: Protest against cuts at No. 10 Downing Street

    I suppose i could jump on the Aberdeen sleeper tonight but i doubt i could afford to stay overnight in London atm, will be thinking about you guys. The very best of luck!


    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: Protest against cuts at No. 10 Downing Street


    Thanks for the words of support ranald and Tyger. I’m back in the office this morning after two days off.

    The protest was really good. But the personal highlight for me was meeting Tony Benn. He’s quite frail now so I was impressed by the way he was mingling with the crowds before his speech, even in the freezing cold. I went over and shook his hand and we had a brief chat until we were interupted by a camera crew for a German TV station. :x :lol:

    There were a lot of speeches, and I thought Caroline Lucas’ speech was one of the best, very measured and coherent.

    I’m not sure how many people were there, but I’d guess only a few thousand. Hopefully turn-outs will increase as people start to realise the impact the cuts are going to have on vulnerable people.

    Posts: 166
    Joined: 16/08/2010
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