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  • #132731
    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    That sounds like a good idea to me.

    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Should I keep a copy of my filled PIP form with me at the assessment so I can refer to it and expand on anything or is that a bad idea?

    it depends on if on a “bad day” you have put on form you have issues with fine finger dexterity needed for turning pages.

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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Thanks I’ll decide this week. These answers really help. :ty:

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Should I keep a copy of my filled PIP form with me at the assessment so I can refer to it and expand on anything or is that a bad idea?

    it depends on if on a “bad day” you have put on form you have issues with fine finger dexterity needed for turning pages.

    Well I can’t hold a standard book in front of me holding the pages open and turning them one by one as needed cos I get horrible cramp in my thumbs, hands and forearms holding the book open for about a minute, but occasionally turning a pamphlet might be OK. I’m trying not to be apathetic to it and just saying anything to get it over with cos it’s what they want. Their questions don’t correlate to MD as you can see from the above statement :(

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Hi All

    I had my home assessment today but I’m unsure if I should wait till the decision is passed to me before explaining it all here? What do knowledgeable people think?

    I will say it wasn’t as bad as I worried myself sick over, but we know the assessors can be devious with their friendship.

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Assuming they cannot trace you from you name on here it would be quite safe. However, as a minimum I would be most interested in the qualifications of the assessor. Were they medically trained with extra traning in neurology and hopefully genetics?


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    They were a qualified Nurse. There were no qualifications in neurology or genetics mentioned, I wouldn’t have thought that would be even looked into by them.

    I wonder if the forum software would allow a section where people could post anonymously as guests allowing members to share information on subjects that are sensitive like this? It would certainly help us as a whole. I’m unable to go into details as it is.

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    In theory as you have your name behind your on screen name and oyur location need not be shared, whatever happens on here is always going to be anonymous. If you look at mine fornexample you would not be able to tell what my real name is or where I live, nor indeed very much about me, unless I care to share that with the emmbers of the forum. Howevere I really can understand your concern about ‘big brother’ watching you and anything that you say will be used against oyu.The forum team will never release any real world details to anyone who enquires, and I am sure the other mods will back me up on this. Equally I suspect it will not be easy for a number of reasons for you to sign on completely anonymously for the safety of other users.
    A qualified nurse did you assessment you say. I have worked with hundreds over the years, and I would say that their knowledge of neuro conditions like ours is limited, becuase it does not really enter in to their training. I am married to one and she would freely admit that until I was diagnosed she would have known nothing about my condition, and she has in fact worked on neuro wards. When I was working in teh NHS it was always the consultant who was the oen who gave reports about a patient to official bodies, because ultimately it came down to his clinical experience. it seems that such experience is now being ridden over by the need for speed in meeting the needs of the government on this scheme. I hope you took notes of the meeting just in case you go to appeal. If not write them down now whilst hings are still fresh in your mind. as has been said many times before here and elsewhere these assessments have not been as good as they can be.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Hello Mike.

    Well I was so nervous I don’t remember a lot of it. They quashed me on the ‘planning a journey’ question as that’s geared to cognitive usage incorporating mental or physical problems like blindness etc. I was answering it in the respect of planning a journey on whether someone would go first to see the obstacles that might need to be attempted like inclines, stairs, humps. I have lost the points on that one as I agreed that it seemed to not be correctly relative to my idea of how the question is proposed. Here’s some things I noted then:

    I informed the assessor that I may get emotional as my husband left me after 9 years of marriage in November plunging me into a time without income temporarily or a carer or any transport ( I did get upset at that point) this also plunged my neighbour (of 20 years) into the caring role and my friend as the transport role if needed.

    They didn’t ask me if I go out but said “You don’t go out do you?” I said not any more apart from appointments but I did get to a chair by the front door of the property a few days ago to sit in the sun as it’s important for my terrible blood pressure to keep as mobile as possible. My neighbour helped with that journey. They didn’t refer to any more of my other input on the form, the questions appeared to be informal as if to add what was already present.

    They only asked me about the moving about, washing and bathing and care component, and didn’t ask any other questions I was thinking about like pets, going out, bending down, falling, walking distances or washing machines. They didn’t look round the flat to see my adaptations but I listed them. They did covertly scan the room though and note some things. They did say some things in a positive general manner (on leaving out of my earshot to my carer), quoting a recent news item (sorry for the cryptic stuff here) giving the impression they were genuine in her approaches as a nurse.

    I had a few grip based tests and stood up (difficultly) but said to sit down again when they saw me struggling and helped me from falling backwards on the sofa. My worry is the information about gripping and dexterity. I can grip things for a few seconds with some strength but very quickly cramp kicks in and pain and I basically drop the pen, dental brush/floss, book, peeler, item etc. The weakness increases with use of the muscle group so you almost feel like your fabricating the information when you’re not – but that’s just the media making me feel guilty and that exercise/descriptor is flawed. This incorporated the washing above my waist bit, I can soap myself up slowly after using my sponge on a stick for everywhere else but I get my carer to rinse me on my bath seat. I don’t know if this will go against me as they didn’t seem convinced that that would satisfy the descriptor ie: washing not rinsing etc. *shrugs* (they never said that)

    They asked me if OT had supplied any of my mobility items but I have bought them all myself. I’m not the type of person who nags for things and thought that’s what my DLA is for. I have a three wheeled trolley seat that resides in the other room (brought to me as needed) as I hate looking at it because I cared for my Mother for 10 years before her death and she had rheumatoid arthritis and was severely disabled and it reminds me of her and the problems she faced and depresses me and I don’t wanna deal with that whilst hurtling toward divorce.

    On the whole I can categorically say that whether acting or not the assessors seem nice although some appear to be right horrible from the stories you read online. I would be fine for the next one that’s for sure as I know what to expect.

    Do you guys think that if hypothetically I had to go to appeal, that being one of the first people to be diagnosed with 2L in the UK after years of genetic research with 3 professors in genetics in Newcastle and a Neurology consultant would be looked on favorably by an appeal board? We can’t invent mutated genes. We can’t fabricate our physiology or symptoms. I’m not making this up!

    If any moderator wishes to edit this you have my permission

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Thank you for a comprehensive, and frank, explanation of what went on. i am sure that what you have said will be of benefit to many on this board. Having said that you can never tell what their motives were in sking you the questions they did, as that will depend heavily on what their training has indicated to them. However, I must admire your tenacity for trying all the thing that you do. I notice especially a throw away of you using a peeler! Even if I was not allergic to potato juice I certainly could not use one of those. But like you I also strive not only to do what I can for as long as I can, as well as buy my own equipemnt. the latter I have to do as there is no help locally from any source, and I am dreading teh stair lift breaking down and needing to be replaced.
    I really cannot tell you how the appeal would go though. Again this depends very much on the directions they have been given from their bosses and the targets they have to meet. Before worrying about that wait and see what the outcome is of your assessment. At least you now have some comprehensive notes about it here to refer to.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Well hello again. I got my decision and was awarded enhanced rate on both mobility and daily living until 2022. I can’t quite believe it after all the horror stories. :yes:

    I’m expecting my ESA to be reassessed anytime now though LOL!



    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(


    Well done! Congratulations!

    Thanks for sharing this stressful time and helping others.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Well done my son, well done.

    Nice one. Nice to hear a bit of good news :yes:

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Well hello again. I got my decision and was awarded enhanced rate on both mobility and daily living until 2022. I can’t quite believe it after all the horror stories. :yes:

    I’m expecting my ESA to be reassessed anytime now though LOL!




    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Well hello again. I got my decision and was awarded enhanced rate on both mobility and daily living until 2022. I can’t quite believe it after all the horror stories. :yes: Ju

    I’m expecting my ESA to be reassessed anytime now though LOL!



    Congrats :). Really happy for you :wave:

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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Just thoought I would add a recent experience here. A friend of mine has been given an appointment for her PIP assessment today. It is 175 miles away in Stoke on Trent. According to the people at Capita, it is the nearest assessment centre to north Lancashire. I find that barely creditable myself. She cannot afford the train fare to go down, nor the necessary overnight acomodation (the appointment is at 0915. In addition her disability would prevent such a long journey.
    Is anyone aware of a PIP centre in Lancashire please?


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(


    Have they completed and returned their PIP2 form?

    The assessment can be up to 90 minutes travel from the claimants home. You can call them and request a home assessment OR a centre closer if the one she has been allocated is not suitable due to the following needs.


    a) ease of access, parking close to the centre, flat ground, no stairs or inclines, and no lifts to the floor for the assessment. If there was a fire alarm and the lifts were unusable, would this person be able to leave the building unaided or aided using stairways? If no, then they can request a centre that meets the requirements.


    Mental illness etc:

    Would it be too distressing for the person to travel that distance unaccompanied or accompanied due to panic attacks, anxiety or stress. If they cannot travel the distance without stress or worry they can ask for another appointment or a home visit.

    The best course of action would be the local CAB who can help and possibly call to arrange a closer centre or home visit. If disability has caused depression, this incorporates both of the above as they are intertwined so both reasons above should be put forward.

    PIP centres here:

    It appears the majority of centres are ATOS, Capita are few and far between

    Good luck

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Many thanks for that weeble. It explains many things. She has been referred to Capita and the nearest place they have to the NW is in the Midlands around 175 miles away. It would mean a number of hours drive , an overnight stay and tremendous anxiety for her, yet ATOS show as having one in the town where she lives. Complete nonsense.
    All the forms have been completed and sent away as per requests. I do think we may need to try and arrnage a home visit becuase there is no way she could make the journey on her own, and I could not drive that far in one day.
    Once again, many thanks for the calrity this has brought.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    I’m sorry but, I would flatly refuse to cooperate with this assessment. They MUST come to your friend.

    If your friend makes any sort of effort to get to an assessment so far away from their home then that will go against them.

    You’re playing right into their hands.

    It is utterly irresponsible to suggest anyone, able bodied or otherwise should have to make such an effort & if a disabled person manages to get to an assessment to determine whether you’re entitled to the mobility component of PIP over a hundred miles away then these b******* will deny your friend.

    I don’t trust these people whatsoever & this absolutely stinks. I’m angry for your mate Mike. Really angry.

    I’m fed up of these morons carrying on with impunity making us jump through hoops & constantly moving the goal posts once they realise they’re not punishing enough of us & saving a little bit of money.

    I encourage your friend to get their respective GP & MP involved.

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
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    Reply To: PIP here we come :(

    Agreed with everything wonderwoman has said. A GP, MP or consultant should be able to help with reallocation or the CAB but you do need (sadly) someone of authority to help. They’ll probably fob you off without. I couldn’t travel that distance on public transport. Also, I found out that any documents from friends or partners explaining your conditions are discounted as evidence to support your claim now, (I’d still include them though) it has to be an official, consultant or GP etc. For example, downloading a pdf and printing it off to help a decision maker look at your specific condition (like LGMD2 etc) will be discounted. (something for the future)

    The whole thing is a sham and not fit for purpose especially for people with our condition, it simply does not fit. The exam form (because that’s what a PIP2 is) is bunged into a computer box ticked program to decide eligibility. Your assessment is to see if the answers you put fit your form fill, daily life and their descriptors. From the second you arrive you are watched on camera, the distance from the car park, the waiting time for the assessment inside, the type of chair you sit in (arms or not) there are cameras inside the assessment rooms, the distance you walk to the assessment room (will be over 20 mtrs) your manner, your nervous levels, your cleanliness, your use of a pen or dexterity, everything. This isn’t to scare you this is to make you aware. Their sole purpose is to remove you from benefits, or at the best lower them. When your friend gets seen I hope they are a caring person and the result is positive. You really do have to fight to get what you are entitled to now.

    Posts: 44
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