Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

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  • #73315
    Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

    Today the Government has announced further changes to the welfare system – proposing a new Universal Credit which will replace most out of work and means tested benefits.

    Read the full Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and Trailblazers response here:

    Bobby Ancil, Trailblazers Project Manager has said:

    “If this Government is genuinely committed to helping as many disabled people as possible to find employment, it must work closely with disabled people to create a more accessible job market. Making work pay is an empty concept if appropriate jobs – and the means to access them – just aren’t there.”

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    Posts: 8
    Joined: 08/11/2010
    Re: Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

    Really, until I know exactly how this will effect me within my own specific set of circumstances, I have to try very hard not to panic which will trigger a deep episode of agonising depression.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness www.amgroves.com

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

    Really, until I know exactly how this will effect me within my own specific set of circumstances

    I agree, everytime I turn on the telly or radio its there! It maybe me “sticking my head in the sand” but until these changes start happening and are put into place I can’t start worrying, itll drive me nuts or worse yet make me ill.

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

    @vicki wrote:

    … itll drive me nuts or worse yet make me ill.

    I had a very bad week when ll the discussions around the changes to ESA were being discussed. I just see all my hard work and efforts to achieve the level where I am at now, will be knocked from under me. :(

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness www.amgroves.com

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Our response to the new Welfare Reform proposals

    I am terrified of the Universal Credit as being rather older this will have a massive financial impact along with the changes to a womans retirement age.Those of us in the mid/late 50’s who have a husband rather ‘older’ ;) who claims Pension Credits could be truly finacially hammered with the loss of premiums etc.

    I could actually afford to go the the dentist after he received the credits, the first time in many years :lol: The problem is that these benefits are ‘gateways’ which they wish to slam in our faces.

    Stop the world I want to get off :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Posts: 62
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