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  • #132997
    Organ Donation

    As I get older I am trying to put my hoouse in order to make it easier for those left behind. There are enough problems with probate and inheritance tax etc without having to deal with the left overs too. But I am perplexed.
    I have registered to be an organ donor, my left lung has not worked for years and my right lung is gradually stopping to work soe there are some good components there for other folk. My eyes are not too bad, although a little rose tinted. Problem is I am unsure about donating these bits, indeed any bits due to my FHSD. Many will be affected by the condition (heart muscles and of course the intercostals for example). Am I safe to be a donor, or will I pass on damaged parts? I have asked the organ donor people they dont know, I asked the neaurologist when I had one and he didnt know, so is any one able to give a me an honest answer. Is leaving my bits for others going to be safe for them?


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
    Reply To: Organ Donation

    I too asked this question as I am not able to donate blood, few years back it was refused as I received blood during the mad cow scare.

    Organ donation is a very worthy giving thing to do. Was told in our case it would be a case of the medicos deciding at time.

    I can’t imagine any danger of somehow passing md on. and their md free bodies would make it work as it should without MD. I would presume. I don’t drink or smoke , I would like to think my liver would be recyclable if nothing else.

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    Reply To: Organ Donation

    I have also wondered. I have signed the register, I assumed they’d use what was viable.

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    sar78 sar78
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    Reply To: Organ Donation

    I’m not sure our livers would be useful? mine has kept me from being discharged from hospital because it showed abnormal function probably due to the enzymes from CK levels and continuing muscle atrophy. Does anyone know if this would disqualify that organ from use?

    My Mum had rheumatoid arthritis and they didn’t want anything apart from her corneas. They said the years of prescription drugs meant her other organs were of no use.

    I do have a donor card though so if they want anything they can have it willingly.

    Posts: 44
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    Reply To: Organ Donation

    Launton a very good point. I have been on serious meds for years and will be until I peg out, MST, Tramadol, Tegretol etc. It would be so good if an expert can clarify the position for us. Trying to decide at the time is not the best of ideas as those who have worked in hospitals know.


    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: Organ Donation

    I too have wondered about this very thing, but have also put myself on the organ donor register. I am hoping that when the time comes, the medics will be able to decide what they can use, bearing in mind my md history and use of prescrption pain relief. After I had some tests following blood clots in my lungs some years ago, the consultant told me I had lovely kidneys, so I hope they will still be good for someone else eventually!

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