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  • #75130
    New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Finally our wonderful new Adaptation centre has opened.

    Yesterday was the day and the wonderful care agency “Care and Repair” in liaison with our
    local Council have opened the centre here in Weston. It is just 300 yards from my home. They have
    been e-mailing me for weeks and getting excited about it.

    I meant to be there among the crowds for the big opening at 10AM, just in case there were armfuls of Freebies
    being given out. Sadly though complications overnight meant I finally got there at 3.05 in the afternoon.

    They were so pleased to see me as I was the first member of the public to turn up. They had been sitting
    twiddling their thumbs all day! I had all four of the staff to myself and it was wonderful.

    They demonstrated everything in sight and I was given a lot of expert advice. Beds, Back-rests, rise and recliners,
    stairlifts, kitchen gizmos, level access showers and even the glorious Clos-O-Mat. I realise now I should have gone
    for the wet room option when it was offered a couple of years ago, but maybe in the future
    I will be able to make better decisions by having gone to a centre such as this.

    Ran out of time, but will go back next week. Left with bag load of literature.

    Ironically after where I was yesterday I have been too shattered to get out of bed yet this morning.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    That’s sounds good Taung! Great that they are so close by and sound really helpful :yes:

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Sounds like a great place to get advice, ideas and devices.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Oooh! Thats lucky! Enjoy! :yes:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Amazing thing has happened !

    Just had an e-mail from the Adaptation Centre… I was the only customer on
    day one they have invited me to the official opening cermeony on 18th December
    and are even saying they want me involved in “ribbon cutting” (well I will need one of their pairs of “adaptive scissors”)

    “Dear Mr Fox

    As the first visitor to our new equipment demonstration centre and, having expressed such enthusiasm for it, I wondered if you would be willing to be part of the official opening ceremony which will take place at the Motex Centre 2pm Wednesday 18 December.

    In fact I wondered if you would join in the ribbon cutting honours. members of the council , West of England Care & repair and representatives of a number of partner organisations will be there.

    We will send you an invitation with further details shortly and I do hope you can join us.

    Kind regards

    Lindsay Hay
    Caseworker Manager
    0117 9543927
    Improving homes Improving lives
    Working in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Bath & North East Somerset. “

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Oh I Say … VIP indeed … now don’t go running over the Mayr or MP with your wheelchair, well maybe … make a good story, lol.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Wow! We’ll be calling you Honorable Mr Fox next! :LOL:

    leave a trail of MDC flyers as you go! :D

    Posts: 364
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    @taungfox wrote:

    ……..In fact I if you would join in the ribbon cutting honours. members of the council , West of England Care & repair and representatives of a number of partner organisations will be there.

    We will send you an invitation with further details shortly and I do hope you can join us.

    Kind regards

    Lindsay Hay
    Caseworker Manager
    0117 9543927
    Improving homes . “

    ……..members of the council…..excellent, I have a few questions for them about Adult Social Care and other
    Contentious issues.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Had another e-mail from these fine people.

    Now they want permission to use my flattering comments to publicise
    the new centre.

    Told them to go for it, it might get get me an extra shortbread finger
    at the big Ceremony.

    Apparently the bit they liked was the but about how their adaptations and
    expert advice will probably make the difference in me being able to remain
    in my own home (what a crawler).

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Yep :LOL: I think your heading for the bottle of sherry too to go with that shortbread!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    As the Hospital Consultant who was going to visit me yesterday was ill I was “at a loose end”. All
    tidy and clean (relatively), what a waste of effort.

    Brilliant idea. I will go and visit my new friends at the Adaptation Centre. So I did.

    Same tale, I was the only visitor, they were so pleased to see me and I had to whole staff
    at my beck and call. There was also an expert from Care and Repair head office who was
    pleased to explain in very great detail the complex D.F.G. (Disabled Facilities Grant) system.

    I had brought a few measurements with me and through the afternoon I was able to discuss
    and get advice and try out Stairlifts, Wetrooms, specialist Beds, portable loops systems, backrests,
    kitchen gadgets.

    We discussed ways to do these things and even got to details about turning circles, doorswings and
    permanent versus non permanent walls to alter room layouts as mobility decreases. Care and Repair
    have a wonderful system that they offer where they “vet” tradesmen and place all the orders and oversee
    the process. Used it in 2011 for a masonry repair, didn’t use it in 2012 for the plumber and was overcharged £ 400.
    They do not pay the tradesman till they have inspected and passed the job as satisfactory.

    Further demonstrations of the Carelink Red Button remotelink system and other high tech stuff followed. It was
    wonderful and even someone who was able to give financial advice and help on ways to fund this stuff
    and how to make the best decision on timing this complicated procedure.

    To sum it up. I suddenly have a lot more options. A year ago I felt pressured that the move to the Warden
    Controlled Flat was the only viable option. Now there are many ways I can stay here where I am in the home that
    has been progressively adapted for my own needs. The Carelink remote system immediately replaces the
    orange cord to a warden. They are showing me ways to utilise and change the space I do already have.

    This is all good. We are lucky to live in an age of Technology that gives us these options.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    It’s all goood! :yes:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Today was the the Big Opening Ceremony at the Motex Adaptation Centre.

    I trooped along at the opening time with my invitation clutched in hand. Amazed to find lots and
    lots of people there all tucking into the free drinks and mince pies. I tried to slip in quietly at the side
    but they would have none of it. They had it all prepared for me, I was the quest of honour and they
    wanted me to be the one to cut the big green ribbon.

    Two O’Clock came and all the Big Wigs were there. Big speech from the Council Man in Charge of Social
    Services, then The Head of Care and Repair and some Chap on some Board of something. Then ribbon
    time and they wheel out their user friendly Crip who says all the right things. Apparently I was their
    very first customer and the only one in recorded history to ever send in a thank you letter. Then it went
    downhill, Foxy apparently fighting back tears (only his affected throat muscles actually) made a cringe-worthy
    couple of sentences. Some rubbish about how four years ago he couldn’t see how he could possibly
    remain at home now it was all hunky dory thanks to Care and Repair peeps, yada, yada, yada, crawl, crawl.
    Gammy handed Mr Fox couldn’t actually cut the ribbon it transpired and had to be assisted by the big chief
    which seemed to somehow make the point of a need for the centre, as Foxy joked that they do in fact sell
    “adaptive” scissors”. Surprise presentation, big wrapped Xmas present for Mr F.

    Mind you the ungrateful bugger only five minutes later told them he already had three of them (long handled
    reacher) and negotiated a swap for a sock assist and a walking stick holder (joke – they inquired and offered).

    While I was on a roll, I tried all the profiling beds and stairlifts and showed them how the Aqua Joy bathlift works.
    Finally I decided it was only appropriate to lower the tone of the afternoon by insisting on being the first one
    to test the new “Bio Bidet”. Got lost in the fun and majesty of that so that they had to come tapping
    on the door to see if I was all right.

    Place was empty by this time, off into the stormy tempest clutching handfuls of literature and several
    free pens.

    Overwhelming day ! But the centre did get opened.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Wow, sounds like an eventful day! Knowing you as we do Mr Fox, I’m sure your words hit just the right note!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Hollywood called said do you want your Oscar to have grab handle :lol:

    Awesome they made such a fuss of you.

    So do we trawl the internet for news reports????? :p

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    Oh Poop no photo Bristol Post

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    @amgmod wrote:

    So do we trawl the internet for news reports????? :p

    @amgmod wrote:

    Oh Poop no photo Bristol Post

    Brilliant idea……..and well found. Thanks !

    I tried their own website but nothing yet. Photos obviously had to be censored to protect public.

    It was all a bit onesided. 40 medicos and council bods and one crippo. They had to share me out and take turns
    at getting fawning praise and constructive encouragement.

    I must have been saying the right things, the organiser lady said at one point she wanted to “bottle me”and
    take me round with her.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    @taungfox wrote:

    I must have been saying the right things, the organiser lady said at one point she wanted to “bottle me”and
    take me round with her.

    The ultimate christmas gift for the person who wants everything :P

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    @amgmod wrote:

    @taungfox wrote:

    I must have been saying the right things, the organiser lady said at one point she wanted to “bottle me”and
    take me round with her.

    The ultimate Christmas gift for the person who wants everything :P

    Thank You very much.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New Motex Adaptation Centre….

    @amgmod wrote:

    Oh Poop no photo Bristol Post

    We have photo !

    They have got the actual second the green ribbon flies free after being cut, with the council man helping me
    with the cutting. I am the sitting one with head hidden behind a green balloon.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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