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  • #84992
    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @miracle77 wrote:

    I spoke too soon my new machine which has been in place for 3 months only has now started alarming all the time like the old one did before it got replaced….hoping its the machine and not my breathing.

    Guess I am going to have to contact the NIV team:-(

    Keep your fingers crossed problem is easily resolved as I hate the hungover feeling!!


    hope you get sorted out. My machine went on the blink and tthe girls at niv sent out the Dolby vent fix guy.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Glad to say the problem with the vent was a minor blip and its now back to working normally so I am feeling more awake again..fingers crossed it continues that way!

    Posts: 267
    Joined: 17/08/2011
    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Crossing fingers and toes! Glad it is now working :)

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

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