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  • #84972
    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Gosh – I was told 1 type of mask they offer and that is that! (Well one type of full face, one nose and one nasal pillow). Asked several times for ‘alternatives’ and they just said ‘nope’! Glad it’s all still going good :-)

    I made a Pinterest board for vent stuff – not everything available but I save stuff as I find it if it’s vent related!

    Posts: 307
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    It does seem that availability differs according to area. Great collection of pics there criptic :)

    I use the nasal pillow with the Bipap Harmony during the day and a mirage gel nasal mask at night with a ventilator that provides Assisted Control Ventilation (ACV).

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Glad your review went well Taungfox. I seems to depend on the area you live what services are available. I know from my own experience the NIV nurses said there was 2-3 main types of mask but others could be tried if I didnt get success with them, I stuck to type 1 as didnt look the idea of a nasal pillow and like it. Didnt fancy the full face type either.

    Good advice would be to get to know your Resp Nurses as a good rapport helps you get more help and goodies from them


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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Having problems with a “Logic Bomb” on my new Full Size Facemask.

    Here are the facts :-

    The Small Nasal Mask was leading to Air escape from the mouth as I am a mouse breather.
    The Small mask was uncomfortable.
    The Full Mask is very comfortable and so obviously more efficient.

    But I just cannot get used to the new Full facemask. Three times I have tried for two
    or three days but just stay awake for hours with it. Downloaded the user guide from Phillipd Repironics.
    Used all the tips on this thread. Use the old mask and perfect sleep.

    Where is the logic?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Hi, I can understand how difficult it is to fathom. It’s comfort vs efficiency but there’d should be a solution in there somewhere. Maybe some of us vent users can help work through the problem with you?

    Is it that the nasal mask you were using initially was comfortable to wear but causing your mouth to drop open?

    Can you pinpoint what is the most difficult thing to deal with regarding the full face mask? I have never tried one so I’m guessing but does air blow in your eyes? I think I would find it difficult to change to one but I know of others who get on just fine…

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Hi, I can understand how difficult it is to fathom. It’s comfort vs efficiency but there’d should be a solution in there somewhere. Maybe some of us vent users can help work through the problem with you?
    Is it that the nasal mask you were using initially was comfortable to wear but causing your mouth to drop open?
    Can you pinpoint what is the most difficult thing to deal with regarding the full face mask? I have never tried one so I’m guessing but does air blow in your eyes? I think I would find it difficult to change to one but I know of others who get on just fine…

    Thanks your lovely reply Sarah.

    right on the point….as it was the posts here that got me using the small nasal mask, just when
    I was about to throw it in the river.

    To answer your question, YES, it does blow air into the eyes, annoying little puffs of air. They make
    a ponint of telling you that the contact must rest on the bridge of your nose and the crease below
    your bottom lip. but the bridge of the nose is so narrow that seemingly inevitably the tiniest movement
    of your body gives little puffs of air. Move the whole thing down the face though and there are large
    escapes of air further down. They are very adjustable but tightening seems to either bring more
    air or then it become uncomfortable with a triffid sucking on your face. This is the one :-
    The small one (photo on page one) works when logically it should not. they tell me I am a mouthbreather
    (not mousebreather as I have confusingly put above) so it should not work as I get the “HAGHHHHHH”, rush of air
    from the passages at the back of your mouth when the pressure is released. Over time I have
    controlled that so as I can get off to sleep but it wakes you earlier than you want.
    The full facemask should by definition eliminate this and is much more comfortable, yet
    does not work ????
    Thanks for ramble listening.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Hmmm, tricky puzzle is this! I am going talk through it things occur to me so may say the obvious, just ignore me ;)

    If you are a mouth breather (I didn’t even notice mouse) then it follows that long term the nasal mask isn’t efficient enough as you will be woken up too much when that flappy throat bit (can’t remember the name) lets the air out through your mouth.

    So to get the maximum efficiency it would be preferable to adapt the mask that covers nose and mouth (full face mask).

    Problems are with the seal of the mask especially the bridge of the nose, move it to better nose position and then more air escapes or you feel like your face is in a vacuum.

    I am wondering if we can get some input from vent peeps about what they’ve tried. I have used cotton wool to put the little gaps either side of nose bridge – downside is that occasionally they will shoot out like bullets. I have used a jelly/processed cheese-like pad cut to the right shape and placed it between my nose and the mask. Now I use a sticky backed towelling which to look at, doesn’t look like it would made much difference but not only does it make a better contact with my skin, it does help stop the air escaping so dramatically.

    Does the Triffid sucking occur a lot? It is not a pleasant feeling is it? It reminds of what happens when I use the Cough Assist.

    I’ll put some feelers out for some hints and tips.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    First tip already in…

    Duoderm or moleskin dressings over bridge of nose.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    First tip already in…

    Duoderm or moleskin dressings over bridge of nose.

    very, very interesting and thanks.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    First tip already in…
    Duoderm or moleskin dressings over bridge of nose.

    Looking again at this gel facemask in more detail, I think I see why people might need to
    come up with this sort of adaptation. The gel part in the mask is a proud blue gel ridge going round in
    a triangular shape to fit over your nose and mouth and is covered by a flappy flexible polythene type
    film. Up at the top of the triangle there is a notch or dip. This is presumably to cope with people
    with large noses or prominenent nose bridges, so for us normal nosers, there is a gap just covered by the polythene type film thing. This copes sometimes but sometimes doesnt and the air pressure forces it slightly aside. This might expalin the flatulent sound that emanates sometimes as part of the airflow.

    Something soft like the moleskin might just work. The thing that protects my laptop keyboard looks
    soft and flexiable enough. I get the feeling if you can kid your body that it is fine and get the first couple of nights underway it will be fine.

    I always sleep completely on my back like an “egyptian mummy”, due to arm and should pains. Is this a factor,
    people don’t rely on twisting to one side to do these masks. I have an orthopaedic pillow with foamy things
    either side to stop movement, which I though was ideal for this type of thing. I tried making
    myself really tired which works on a lot of things. Hardly moved an inch today so not tired. Will be
    tired tomorrow and add the new moleskin theory and any other logic.

    Review not till 29 August, so verty pleased not to have to wait till then. Thanks your input.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Your explanation about the flaps at the top of the triangle makes a lot of sense. I had never really thought about the root cause of the air escaping – I always put it down to me having an odd shaped nose but then with so many experiencing this, we can’t all have odd peckers can we??

    I find that if there’s an issue with the fit around my nose I just can’t relax and that means I can’t sleep. Am constantly on edge, waiting for the air to shoot out of the side. I tend to sleep slightly tilted to my left and tuck my right hand between my shoulder and jaw but most nights my hand ends up tucked inside the straps of my soft cap headgear to help create a better seal on the left side of my nose.

    Hope you get on well with the moleskin.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    I find that if there’s an issue with the fit around my nose I just can’t relax and that means I can’t sleep. Am constantly on edge, waiting for the air to shoot out of the side. I tend to sleep slightly tilted to my left and tuck my right hand between my shoulder and jaw but most nights my hand ends up tucked inside the straps of my soft cap headgear to help create a better seal on the left side of my nose. Hope you get on well with the moleskin.

    Yes we are reaching a consensus. A lot of it is us in all our different configurations. We are so on edge with these things anyway. Also they have to build a mask that copes for all and all situations.

    Also we need the variable sucking and blowing which gives the weird sensations. That is how the thing
    works by stepping into the up and down cycles in our affected breathing rhythyms. So our “Heath Robinsons”
    to cobble together a compromise is about right. If we could convinve our bodies there will
    be no problem.

    Thanks again.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    All ready to go with my new logic and methods.

    Spent half an hour with a couple of mirrors as I fit it in trial runs. Obviously
    what I should have done the first time.

    I certainly had it too tight and riding slightly too high on the nose. The notch should fit on
    the bridge not the depression above it. I find lifting it vertically off your face a fraction and then back resets the seals
    again when you get into trouble.

    Also made sure I am tired today so it all looks good.

    Thanks for the brainstorming session Sarah ! Just had to find a logic.

    Fingers crossed.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..


    We have a result !

    A great night’s sleep. 11.58 to 6.23. This is unheard of. Just woke once with some air escape but
    immediatelt almost without thinking I knew from our discussions how to reposotion and solve problem.

    The Medicos were right, this bigger full facemask is much better. It solves the mouth air escape problem
    completely and it is a bigger chamber so the rush of air is gwntler and less extreme and of course it
    is so much more comfortable.

    Thanks for all the help on this thread.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Whoop whoop! :D

    That’s great you got some good quality sleep. I like this logical approach to sorting things, I may start a new topic about what’s keeping me awake lately.

    Good stuff Taungfox!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    I didnt try the full face mask as I reckoned if would make things worse but might be something to think about. Glad you got the issues resolved.

    Happy Zzzzz Taungfox

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    I have had the big review on my CPAP machine.

    They now have an SD card inside the thing that records every aspect of your use of it and can pinpoint
    any problems or issues. My printouts from this were examined and I was amazed that they were able
    to say that I was getting very close to the maximum efficiency and usefullness out of this cunning gadget. I
    have now been given it on a permanent basis and the whole thing is classed a major success.

    As I was all for chucking it in the river, a big thanks is due to the people on this thread that turned it
    all around and led to this happy state of affairs. Well done Forum and members.

    One slight downside is that it was agreed that I was not getting the “rush of energy” that some report
    and that other MD people have reported the same to them. But they pointed out, things would be so much
    worse without it. Correct, I am getting off to sleep instead of staying awake for hours and even sleeping through
    to my alarm which was unheard off. This means diagnostically that in the future we can rule out the
    fact the person is not getting the proper amount of sleep, one of the usual “cop outs”.

    Thanks all, especially Sarah.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Am really pleased for ya! :D

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    I spoke too soon my new machine which has been in place for 3 months only has now started alarming all the time like the old one did before it got replaced….hoping its the machine and not my breathing.

    Guess I am going to have to contact the NIV team:-(

    Keep your fingers crossed problem is easily resolved as I hate the hungover feeling!!


    Posts: 267
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @miracle77 wrote:

    I spoke too soon my new machine which has been in place for 3 months only has now started alarming all the time like the old one did before it got replaced….hoping its the machine and not my breathing.
    Guess I am going to have to contact the NIV team:-(
    Keep your fingers crossed problem is easily resolved as I hate the hungover feeling!!

    Hope it gets sorted quickly. Horrible to be without your breathing support. It
    does sound like the machine not you.

    Our centre has phone support immediately available and two afternoons set aside
    for “Problem” appointments. They were quick to help in my case to test what
    might have been a fault.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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