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  • #74323
    New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    After four sets of sleep studies and eleven appointments they have given me a CPAP machine.

    I had heard all sorts of horror stories about these how they made a horrible noise that
    was impossibled to sleep through and the mask virtually ate your face off.

    I have a new improved model – The Phillips Respironics Remstar Auto A-Flex

    It is virtually silent when running and has an incredibly light gel faced mask, velcro
    and hitech fastenings everywhere.

    Mind you I have not actually tried to sleep with it yet, but it looks very pretty.

    Also told me to sleep on my side ?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……

    Glad you got a nice quiet one – my first machine was so noisy!!

    Not sure about the sleeping on your side bit – I cannot sleep on my side very well and have never been told that. I wonder if it is to do with the mask leaving more of an indentation if you are lying on your back? Gravity and all that… :?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……

    @sar78 wrote:

    Glad you got a nice quiet one – my first machine was so noisy!!
    Not sure about the sleeping on your side bit – I cannot sleep on my side very well and have never been told that. I wonder if it is to do with the mask leaving more of an indentation if you are lying on your back? Gravity and all that… :?

    It is lovely and quiet.

    But last night was a disaster.

    I gave up after three hours of difficulty. What on earth am I doing wrong?

    Any advice from CPAP’ers would be so appreciated. They did give me training but it seems so different at home.

    Will give it through weekend to give it a fair trial. Part of problem is my mouth. The lady said in hospy
    yesterday “Good you are a nose breather”. But that seems to be the problem, trying to go to sleep my
    mouth starts breathing and that starts the rush of air, cold air and noise and whump I am fully awake
    and just not going to sleep. Do not see how I will sleep or get used to this. The wonderful gel facemask
    is very comfortable but the space / chamber seems so small and after a short time pressure seems
    to build up and eventually I have to start mouth breathing and there is this noisy rush of noist cold
    air out through the mouth and up into the eyes.
    What is the logic on CPAPing. Have I missed something ?
    Please give me a clue.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Have you been given a mask that goes over your nose and mouth?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Have you been given a mask that goes over your nose and mouth?

    No, just over the nose. Which is why the chamber is so small.

    Here is a picture….it is called contourGel Blue.

    are the larger ones easier?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    I am the first to admit I know nothing about these machines, having yet to need one. But surely it is logical [sorry for swearing] to have a mask that goes over both nose and mouth?

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @amgmod wrote:

    I am the first to admit I know nothing about these machines, having yet to need one. But surely it is logical [sorry for swearing] to have a mask that goes over both nose and mouth?

    After the problems last night that is what I am thinking.

    Just when I was finally getting sleepy, my mouth opens slightly and this rush
    of cold air and noise happens.

    Weird. Will try again over the weeked and then tale up their offer of assistance.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Sometimes it takes a while to find a set up that works for you. I have the same as you have and do not as a rule have air escaping from my mouth but on the rare occasion it does I have put it down to my head being at the wrong angle. It could be that you have a weakness in the mechanism at the back of the palate that should shut off the mouth and prevent air coming out. Perhaps a full face mask might work better or experimenting with head position if that is possible? Could this also be why they suggested you sleep on your side?

    There are a few variations of mask, hope you find something that works and you can get some good quality sleep.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Sometimes it takes a while to find a set up that works for you. I have the same as you have and do not as a rule have air escaping from my mouth but on the rare occasion it does I have put it down to my head being at the wrong angle. It could be that you have a weakness in the mechanism at the back of the palate that should shut off the mouth and prevent air coming out. Perhaps a full face mask might work better or experimenting with head position if that is possible? Could this also be why they suggested you sleep on your side?

    There are a few variations of mask, hope you find something that works and you can get some good quality sleep.

    Thanks very much your input Sarah.

    I will experiment with various head positions, and sleeping positions. I have small cusions to
    act as “ballast” and keep me in place when i get a good position.

    You are probably on right tract with mechanism on palate / throat. both these people and the
    speech and laguage people have reported abnormalities in throat muscles.

    Glad you have same and have made it work, that shows me it can work and can be got
    used too. Will keep trying through weekend and maybe ask their advice on
    Monday. Must keep an open mind and remember this is all about them
    trying to help me and I am grateful.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    I have a short pallet and mouth breath when talking but not on vent as a rule…

    . I always make a point of having my night time vent and headgear settings done when lying down. You will need to footer about with your headgear once in bed to get it right and will need to adjust as it ages as it will stretch in places.

    A headgear and mask too tight will leak as much as one that’s too loose.

    not sure why they told you not to sleep on your side. . it may be due to your mask having sticky out side bits and the downward tube.. mask sticky out bits tend to push on pillows giving uneven pressure.

    ask for a chin strap to hold jaw closed. you wont need to use it for long. you will mouth breath less now that your body knows you CAN breath ok. no more fish gasping..

    Please please don’t give up on vent. Ask for another mask and head gear if you cant get settled and a review of settings. I am really surprised that they didn’t have you in over the weekend to make sure you were ok over a few nights or even to do a sleep study on the machine as this was your first vent.

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @catatude wrote:

    I have a short pallet and mouth breath when talking but not on vent as a rule…
    . I always make a point of having my night time vent and headgear settings done when lying down. You will need to footer about with your headgear once in bed to get it right and will need to adjust as it ages as it will stretch in places. A headgear and mask too tight will leak as much as one that’s too loose.
    not sure why they told you not to sleep on your side. . it may be due to your mask having sticky out side bits and the downward tube.. mask sticky out bits tend to push on pillows giving uneven pressure.
    ask for a chin strap to hold jaw closed. you wont need to use it for long. you will mouth breath less now that your body knows you CAN breath ok. no more fish gasping..
    Please please don’t give up on vent. Ask for another mask and head gear if you cant get settled and a review of settings. I am really surprised that they didn’t have you in over the weekend to make sure you were ok over a few nights or even to do a sleep study on the machine as this was your first vent.

    Wow, lots more great advice, Thanks Cat.
    I must learn, adapt and keep at it.
    They originally did want me to go in for the sleep studies and this but I let them
    know, only if absolutely necessary so it is my fault.

    @catatude wrote:

    ask for a chin strap to hold jaw closed. you wont need to use it for long. you will mouth breath less now that your body knows you CAN breath ok. no more fish gasping……Please please don’t give up on vent. .

    Very pleased to read this. This is a logic I did not get, that this thing will train me how to breath properly.
    I remember them telling me how much more oxygen you get with relaxed deep breaths than the fish gasping. last
    night my body was obviously panicking about this weird thing enclosing my nose.

    I am getting the logic. Thanks.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Here are some things I learned that might help.

    Learn how the mouth and tongue works.

    To have air go into your nose, down back of throat and into lungs requires:

    A) jaw up either with lip to lip closure or nearly closed plus
    B) either tongue suctioned up on roof of mouth to close the mouth exit OR
    Very back of tongue (bit that feels its your throat) pressing on upper palate if front of tongue is on the mouth floor.
    C) path of least resistance for the air to follow ( if your trachea was glued shut, air would go in nose and push out of mouth or go into stomach).

    Some people can not do B when they go unconsciouse. I can’t. A chin strap can hold lips closed and jaw together but air will still blow out your lips if you have tongue drop. Some people only get tongue drop because jaw drop pulls tongue down (so chin strap works). tongue or jaw might be too big or small or set back making people mouth breathers. The only solution is prosthetic dental insert and or chin straps – or equalise the pressure blowing around whole face with a mask that covers nose and mouth.

    I find that I nose breathe part of the night but only when equal pressure blows into mouth cavity (bit harder to understand without a diagram) – from a full face mask.

    Side laying can actually help you nose breathe ! Supports jaw in closed position but you have to watch the tube doesn’t upset the balance and knock it sideways. I raise cheeks off the pillow with a de mister pad from b&q for cars!

    Posts: 307
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @criptic wrote:

    Here are some things I learned that might help.

    Learn how the mouth and tongue works.

    To have air go into your nose, down back of throat and into lungs requires:

    A) jaw up either with lip to lip closure or nearly closed plus
    B) either tongue suctioned up on roof of mouth to close the mouth exit OR
    Very back of tongue (bit that feels its your throat) pressing on upper palate if front of tongue is on the mouth floor.
    C) path of least resistance for the air to follow ( if your trachea was glued shut, air would go in nose and push out of mouth or go into stomach).

    Some people can not do B when they go unconsciouse. I can’t. A chin strap can hold lips closed and jaw together but air will still blow out your lips if you have tongue drop. Some people only get tongue drop because jaw drop pulls tongue down (so chin strap works). tongue or jaw might be too big or small or set back making people mouth breathers. The only solution is prosthetic dental insert and or chin straps – or equalise the pressure blowing around whole face with a mask that covers nose and mouth.

    I find that I nose breathe part of the night but only when equal pressure blows into mouth cavity (bit harder to understand without a diagram) – from a full face mask.

    Side laying can actually help you nose breathe ! Supports jaw in closed position but you have to watch the tube doesn’t upset the balance and knock it sideways. I raise cheeks off the pillow with a de mister pad from b&q for cars!

    Thanks Louise.

    More blinding good advice. All makes sens the way you describe it.

    I can see what was going wrong. I should have agreed and gone in for a couple of days of supervision.
    Did not realise there were so many conflicting factors.

    Will continue with sideways and get something to brace the cheeks.

    Many thanks.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Big thank you to all who have given me all this help.

    Confusing night like the curate’s egg, “Good and bad in parts”, but I think
    I made the big breakthrough at the end.

    Armed with all the advice, i spent a lot of time preparing and thinking and
    practising with the mask, it’s fastening s and my head and body positions. After
    a few refinements once actually in bed, it all seemed to be coming together nicely. The
    rushing of air and the uncomfortableness of the mask was largely eliminated. I had small
    cushions and my microwave wheat bags to brace me in position and after a bit of trial and
    errror found the best position was about 3/4 of the way round from on back to on side,
    about 140 degrees.

    All was well and comfortable, any with your advice there was no panic about not being able
    to get the right amount of air. In fact it is superb, after a time when my breathing started
    to subside a bit, the machine was doing deeper breaths for me. This is obviously the
    big point it was doing what i was not.

    But I was so upset then that after one hour, I was not asleep, after two and three and then even
    four. I thought, I must give this a good go, after five hours I will rip it off at 5 AM. They
    will all see i did give it a good go. Clock at 4.21 I remember then magic woken up by
    alarm clock at 8AM.

    It worked and by then I was breathing so normally with the CPAP, that i thought it had
    broken or stopped working. But it was ouputting the same. This wonderful machine
    obviously works with you and complements and fits in with your patterns and breathing
    rythyms. I think I have made te big breakthrough.

    I would have given up last night without you advice to keep with it.

    I am very pleased indeed.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Clock at 4.21 I remember then magic woken up by alarm clock at 8AM.

    Oh this is me every night! “I’ll get up and give up this sleep thing if I have not gone off by Xam” quickly becomes “When did it become 9am!”

    Last night, well this morning it was 3.30am before I even headed to bed, then as per usual an hour or two waiting, counting backwards, reciting the phontic alphabet, meditaton techniques,, then all of a sudden it was 9.30 and the seagulls were awake.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    Brilliant Taungfox! I remember wanting to throw my mask across the room sometimes (of course it would land about a foot in front of me if I tried) but it really is worth persevering. When changing set ups, masks or machines I start thinking I will never get used to this but I do.

    How are you finding the mask tightness on your face?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Brilliant Taungfox! I remember wanting to throw my mask across the room sometimes (of course it would land about a foot in front of me if I tried) but it really is worth persevering. When changing set ups, masks or machines I start thinking I will never get used to this but I do.

    How are you finding the mask tightness on your face?

    The tightness is always an issue but obviously there has to be enough tension
    to keep the seal.

    Was washing the mask in soapy water today and only just realised how well designed it is.

    To answer your question, I did a lot of trial and error and ended up with it as low as possible, with
    the bottom of the triangle resting on the bottom of my top lip. Thus there seemed to be more
    space to breath down into while still preserving the seal.

    Just impressed with how by the morning it seemed to be pulsing in exact sychronisation
    to my breathing.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    They are very clever machines indeed!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Just impressed with how by the morning it seemed to be pulsing in exact sychronisation
    to my breathing.

    :? are you melding, cyborg style??

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: New CPAP machine……HELP Needed!!..

    @amgmod wrote:

    @taungfox wrote:

    :? are you melding, cyborg style??

    I have become part of the machine, feeling all the bumpers, always playin…

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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