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  • #74081
    Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    I need some technical input on playing Audiobooks.

    Managing to play them on PC and Ipod Touch but the problem is
    playing them on my Android seven inch tablet. The Apps I find
    on the Android Market only play stuff you buy from then or link
    to Libraries other than mine.

    Just annoying for me, but need this info for my friend Brian who is
    rapidly losing his sight through AMD. He has a ten inch Android tablett.

    Amy thoughts ?

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    Can play them on android music players but there is no bookmark function
    so you keep losing your place.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    I am assuming these files are aac type?

    So you sort of need an android version of itunes, that can bookmark audio books.

    If I get a chance I’ll try google trawling tomorrow.

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    @amgmod wrote:

    If I get a chance I’ll try google trawling tomorrow.


    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    @amgmod wrote:

    I am assuming these files are aac type? .

    Dunno ??? Will have a check….

    Checked……no not aac ???

    The ones from Libraries West are wma files
    The ones from the Guardian last month are mp3 files
    and the ones from Calibre are also mp3

    confused…..???……..or does iTunes convert them to a different format?

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    @amgmod wrote:

    I am assuming these files are aac type?

    So you sort of need an android version of itunes, that can bookmark audio books.

    If I get a chance I’ll try google trawling tomorrow.

    Thanks again.

    The firm that supplied Brian’s ten inch Android gave us “Audible” android player that has
    all the bookmarking and sleep times etc…….but only on the very expensive books
    you buy from them. You cannot import.

    Brian only spent £ 140 on this ten inch Tablet to take his Audiobooks to bed with him, he
    is frustrated.

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    The only thing I can think of is splitting the audio book into chapters and then converting them to mp3. Then upload them too your android device.
    Not sure if that is the only solution to the dilema. Good Luck. :-)

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    I had an oposite issue a short time ago, uploading an audio book on cd into itunes it treats them as a music recording and thus all the tracks are mp3’s and you cannot really bookmark them, you have to remember where you got to everytime you stopped the book or decided to listen to something else … all abit of a fag.

    I googled and found that by merging them together and then converting them to acc files and then in the track options menu clicking “bookmark” it worked.

    I am wondering if it is the file type that is causing the android a problem … wma, mp3 etc it will treat it like a music track where as a little fiddling in the “Track Info” there may be buttons to press to class it as an ‘audiobook’ [this is different to spoken word btw], some have the otion to skip on shuffle so you don’t get a chapter of Pride andPrejudice between Iron Maiden and Adele :lol:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    @amgmod wrote:

    I had an oposite issue a short time ago, uploading an audio book on cd into itunes it treats them as a music recording and thus all the tracks are mp3’s and you cannot really bookmark them, you have to remember where you got to everytime you stopped the book or decided to listen to something else … all abit of a fag.

    When you solved Brian’s android problem, that was going to be my very next question for you.

    So it is not just me. I have about twenty audiobooks in Itunes and they are just in the music
    section with all the music albums. There is a Books section next to it completely empty. It
    is not just us because the Libraries West downloads go traight into itunes as well as music. Some
    of them are 18 hours too, you cannot keep remembering on an 18 hour song can you. would
    have thought a bookmark option was vital.

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    Re: Need Techy help On Audiobooks….

    @amgmod wrote:

    I googled and found that by merging them together and then converting them to acc files and then in the track options menu clicking “bookmark” it worked.

    I am wondering if it is the file type that is causing the android a problem … wma, mp3 etc it will treat it like a music track where as a little fiddling in the “Track Info” there may be buttons to press to class it as an ‘audiobook’ [this is different to spoken word btw], some have the otion to skip on shuffle so you don’t get a chapter of Pride andPrejudice between Iron Maiden and Adele :lol:

    You are right thinking about it, that is the problem. If it is an mp3 or wma is assumes it is music and offers you
    the two music players on the android system. On the PC you can associate different files to different programmes. Yes
    that acc method should work but not for Brian with his sight. I will try it on my android Thanks.

    The libraries west books are all just one file, but you are right others are different files for different chapters. More

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