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  • #74468
    MDC collection duty

    Hello guys, i just wanted to tell you all about my first experience of “can rattling” for MDC. It was actually a bucket but you get the idea. ;)

    I agreed to meet the lovely Lorna Johnston from MDC, in Dundee at midday. She arrived as planned at our rendezvous point, and issued me with my bucket and orange sash. I was a little reluctant to wear the sash, i knew what kind of attention that might arouse! As it happens, i only had two light hearted digs in that regard.

    I felt a little bit awkward at first, but quickly realised that i was much more likely to be ignored than abused! I was like Moses parting the Red Sea, i hope it wasn’t because i looked unapproachable! :lol:

    After fifteen minutes i had only collected a single £1 coin, i was beginning to feel a little hopeless. That was until a middle aged man approached me and told me his son had Duchenne, he died aged 19. The guy gave me £1 and wished me luck. He returned a few minutes later and gave me a banknote! I didn’t see the denomination, but i was touched by his generocity all the same.

    About an hour later, my parents happened to walk by, (what a coincidence, not) that was an easy tenner. :D I now knew i could take no more money, and still my effort had been worthwhile.

    I grimly hung on until 4 O’clock, occasionally moving to a different part of the Murraygate, not that it mattered, most people weren’t stopping.

    Since handing my bucket back to Lorna, i have been racked with cramp in all my limbs, i guess 4 hours standing around with a bucket is harder that i first imagined. I have no regrets however, i would do it again.


    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: MDC collection duty

    The money you collected yesterday is money we did not have yesterday and have today, bravo and well done Ranald. I used to tell people when they threw is a few copper coins and apologise that it was not more, it makes no difference whether it is a penny or a pound, both are equally important and that one penny can make the difference between able to afford something and not.

    Love the Moses analogy, you can feel slightly leprosy-ic, standing there like a lemon, in the bad harassing old days when we could rattle the buckets it was not so bad but nowerdays, good grief, you dare not sneeze incase someone takes offence.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: MDC collection duty

    Hi Ranald

    Please dont beat yourself up. You did four hours more than most and as the other said it was money the MDC didnt have yesterday.

    Be proud of your efforts as it was a lot for you to do and every little counts.

    Best wishes

    Posts: 267
    Joined: 17/08/2011
    Re: MDC collection duty

    Well done Ranald.

    Doing the right thing and keeping as strong and fit as possible.

    Keep striving.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: MDC collection duty

    Well done Ranald. Me brother did a similar thing outside one of our local tescos a few years ago. He took advantage of the cuteness of Olivia, his daughter who must of been about three at the time. She had a tub & got more than me brother ;-).

    I contribute £5 a month by direct debit & £5 a month to the blue cross animal charity.

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
    Re: MDC collection duty

    Thanks for the support AMG, i am glad i did it, whatever amount i collected. I would do it again.

    Thankyou too Miracle and Mr Fox, i kept my Talk MD buddies in my mind as i stood there. I hope ATOS weren’t timing how long i remained on my feet!

    Your direct debit contribution is great Woogy, you should be proud of that.

    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: MDC collection duty

    Hey well done Ranald. I have been thinking of doing something similar put haven’t plucked up the courage because I thought most people would ignore me and I wouldn’t get any money. But AMG put it into perspective so maybe I’ll think a bit more about it. Each year I try to get in on the Big Give which matches any donation given but I have never managed it. so I just send a donation anyway. It all helps

    Posts: 166
    Joined: 15/09/2010
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