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  • #73828
    Magic Scooter Store….

    Thanks to Catatude’s diligence we have the answer to many an
    MD person’s living problem.

    I live just a few streets away from the town centre, which is
    gradually seeming like a “yawning chasm”. Just like Ranald I
    have very limited space to keep a Mobility Scooter and was
    convinced moving was the only option.

    Cat has found these superb, sturdy “Scooter Stores”. You only
    need a bit of ground 30 inches wide for the small version
    or 36 inches wide for the full version. They are completely
    secure include all the recharging options and are designed
    by professionals and purpose built for the job.

    Standard Size

    Mini Version

    There is a FAQ with every question answered.

    I have spent the last year on the internet trying to find
    every ground floor flat in the town centre and assessing
    it’s suitability. Yes, none of them are exactly right and the
    main thing they are not my much loved home of 26 years. Also
    I could not go through the stress of moving.

    This is the answer.

    Well done Cat !!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Magic Scooter Store….

    This has made my day……..

    A professional solution that means I do not have to
    move. What is the point in moving ? The O.T.’s, Care
    and Repair have spent two years adding and adapting
    my home what is the point in moving? I would be
    like a fish out of water and have to start from
    scratch again.

    Even all the things it has taken me years to work out the
    right heights and angles to do all the various funtions
    and tasks of everyday life. Why would I ever leave if
    I do not have to? They do say moving is one of the
    three most stressful things in life. Well moving an
    MD person must be ten times worse.

    This is the answer.

    Well done Cat!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Magic Scooter Store….

    @taungfox wrote:

    Well done Cat!

    She is fas becoming our gadget-gal :P

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Magic Scooter Store….

    thanks guys. you know me, always up for a net shopping challange.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Magic Scooter Store….

    I have a scooter store for my power chair at work. If you get one make sure you get the remote control. The buttons are really hard to press and it takes a long time to open and close. With the remote at least you can hold it in your hand while you press.

    Posts: 33
    Joined: 29/01/2011
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