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  • #73919
    life insurance

    I normally dont buy any type of insurance coz I think in general the companies are a load or rip off merchants.

    but anyway

    I need life insurance that will pay out i.e pay off a mortgage if I die or pay the monthly payment if I become too ill to work.

    Im having trouble getting a quote, all the companies Ive looked at wont give a guesstimat till Ive signed over permission to see my medical file. Im really not comfortable with this, espically before Ive decided to do buisness with them. and theres due to be a ref in my GP file to every possible condition as Ive been tested for dam near everything.

    Any ideas what Im looking to lay out per month.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: life insurance

    This is a tough one, cause each premium is based on individual circumstance. When it comes to life insurance it seems to me insurers are loathed to touch people with pre exsisting conditions. I tried to get it from HSBC some years ago and they wouldn’t cover me.

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: life insurance

    dont laugh..

    :lol: someone from SAGA is going to call me back. Theyve given me a joint quote for 2 for about £7 a month but it needs to be underwritten. they were the only web sight that lays out all the details on different policys without having to promise them your soul first.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: life insurance

    Sorry i laughed :lol:

    Sounds good £7/month.

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
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