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  • #75607
    Is anyone talking about Mental Health

    Hi, I have LGMD but more importantly a fantastic family that are really suffering from my increasingly desperate mental state. Increasingly the pills aren’t helping and my mindfulness / CBT techniques falter. I’m making a call to be open and honest about this and hoping someone might be willing to reciprocate! Anyone else been there and can recommend any other techniques and therapies?

    Posts: 1
    Joined: 21/06/2015
    Re: Is anyone talking about Mental Health

    There have been one or two discussions relating to depression, and it is a little considered area for people with progressing physical issues that there is just as dramatic psychological issues too. Mind over matter does not do the trick, it is not enough, and there is not enough done, available or talked about openly.

    Thank you for raising the subject, hopefully a few more visitors will post too.

    For myself, I like to think I am pretty resilient, and I am, until something puts me in my place, a fall, a need to do something the muscles will not do, or more recently having to have an upper front tooth extracted and join the fixedness denture club. There ave been moments where I have wallowed beneath the duvet in tears, this being the latest. When I had a bout of serious depression my GP sympathised and genuinely felt embarrassed that there was not more professional help than a referral to a volunteer counselling group.

    Sometimes, you just have to wait it out, muddle through as best you can and know there will be some improvement in the mentals when things are more settled, or you are more ready, and stronger to deal with the situ. Bit then there are time when a full on, dragged out, moaning tantrum does the system a whole lot of good :D

    Thank you for visiting our forum and posting, nice to have you with us :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Is anyone talking about Mental Health

    Welcome to the forum and thanks your brave post!

    C.B.T. is a good thing. We can all learn methods!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Is anyone talking about Mental Health

    I’m sorry that I can’t really help but my heart goes out to you, I hope someone finds something helpful that you haven’t tried yet.
    Services need to open their eyes to the impact MD has on whole families, rather than just the person affected by MD and then that just makes it harder for them. I don’t have personal experience of depression, but someone in my family has, so I do have some understanding of how hard life can be and really hope you feel better soon. The person in my family has tried Transcendental Meditation and they say it definitely helped them but it is very expensive.

    Posts: 4
    Joined: 10/05/2015
    Re: Is anyone talking about Mental Health

    Hi Jcut
    I completely understand what you are going through and how difficult it can be and I think you are absolutely right in wanting to get the mental aspect of having MD out into the open.
    I am very much into complimentary therapies and would have them all if I could! But that would be a bit pricey. I do use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) on myself. I have posted about it before on here but I don’t know if anyone has tried it. Basically it is acupuncture without the needles. It is also called Tapping and what you do is to tap on acupuncture points around the top of your body whilst thinking about your problem. It sounds a bit weird but it has helped me so it maybe worth googling it just to see what you think. I’d be happy to chat if you want to, just pm me.

    Posts: 166
    Joined: 15/09/2010
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