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  • #73803
    is a zombie walk a good idea?

    hello im abbie, im 14 years old.
    my brother has muscular dystrophy he has had it since he was 2 years old he is now 16.
    I was thinking of doing like a sponsored zombie walk. Lots of my friends and their friends have said they would like to take part and help raise money for the charity. My brother has been in more than 9 operations and i know he might never get better but if i did this and send the money off they might find a cure in the future and help other families who have to come with what my family are going though.

    i was just wondering if it was a good idea? :?:

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 02/07/2011
    Re: is a zombie walk a good idea?

    A sponsored themed walk that gets the attention of those who want to take part, as well as those who would sponsor or donate funds, as well as raise funds for a worthy cause … sounds commendable.

    I am sure some of our helpful people in the fund-raising department can help with sponsor forms and info about MD, as well as anything else to consider. Take photos and let the local news/tv/radio know they might do some reporting on your venture.


    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: is a zombie walk a good idea?

    i made the event on facebook at about 6 this morning there are 21 people so far who want to take part there is like 448 requests but i need like a lot of sponsor forms if you could tell me where to get them that would help alot!

    Posts: 2
    Joined: 02/07/2011
    Re: is a zombie walk a good idea?

    Here is the link to the Plan Your Own Fundraising Event page, which might give some helpful tips on planning.

    Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find a link for the “Regional Fundraising Support”, click and find someone local to you who maybe able to give you support and tips. They may well have local contacts that an help you market your walk.

    Alternatively you can contact the events department on: 0845 872 9058 [office hours presumably] or email them at

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: is a zombie walk a good idea?

    Hi Abbie, your family must be very proud of you, That is an amazing idea you had for the zombie walk. That would be so funny. I noticed this is an old post, so did it happen ?. I would have liked to see that. If not you should do it, it is a great idea. Your brother must think the world of you.

    Have a Perfect Day


    Bert Bert
    Posts: 171
    Joined: 17/11/2011
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