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  • #83361
    Re: IOS 5……

    Yes it’s all working perfectly now. Recordings never fail and much easier to look at the app than the paper tv guide :)

    Why did I take so long in going over to the iPhone?!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: IOS 5……

    Oh hail the mighty iPhone – Bravo Jobsy, :-)

    Wish I had a Tivo box then I’d have an app for recording tv!

    My favourite gadget is Eye TV (set up on Boris the birdy cam and tv) which is on the desktop Mac and streams to iPhone etc – and I use the phone to operate the computer (as a mouse) if I can’t reach the keyboard or tablet. Couldn’t do that without the tech…

    I can remotely operate a camera (control iPad from iPhone) and the thing is glued to my hand at all times.
    (It’ s a PA call gadget, emergency alarm, flash light etc… doesn’t make tea yet but you could rig it up to a coffee making machine I believe… lol)

    I would like it to control the curtains and operate the front door but can’t afford all that (I believe it can be done though but not on the NHS!!).

    It’s simply the best and most useful things ever (although I struggle with the large touch screens like the iPad with having to crawl my hand onto things using my fingers (which of course sets of a whole load of swipe actions when I try to reach the top of the screen). Going to get a stylus to see if that helps.

    I don’t use the accessibility functions but they are rather good :-) … can’t wait for next iPhone and iTV WHOOOOOOOOOP (oh and a lottery win of course).

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: IOS 5……

    Excellent, Louise is getting to grips with all this high tech revoloution and
    getting all these high tech gadjets to work together and come up with new ways
    to aid her disabilities.

    It will contiune apace. There will be more and more ways to control more and more
    things from a wheelchair or bed, more and more things will become itegrated. IOS 5
    will be continually upgraded, All the Apps have regular updates. Speech recognition,
    voice-control and text-to-speech are all making large advances.

    Apple are at the forefront, but the android devices are not far behind and pushing the
    whole technology forward. There are enormous causes for optimism.

    Airplay, Wifi syncing , Facetime, Multi-tasking gesturre control, Voice Over screen readers were all
    unheard of a year ago. We are at the dawn of a new and exciting age for people with disabilities.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: IOS 5……

    More High Tech heaven on this Thread……

    With this latest releases the iPhone, Ipad and iPod Touch all noew have front
    and back cameras.

    The new sodtware turns the whole thing into a scanning tool.

    There is a free App to download from the App Store that makes it a full
    QR Scanner. That is the square black and white modular, maze-looking symbols
    you see on adverts increasingly. Just point the ipone / ipod at it and you are
    immediately at the relevant data page. You do not even need to Google now.

    Also it now can scan the normal Supermarket “barcodes”. Each of the ASDA, and TESCO
    Apps we were talking about has a scanner using your camera. All the Data / Offers
    etc…immediately on your screen.

    The Documentary last week showed a man in Tesco’s using the new “Mysupermarket”
    App. Use the scanner on this App to scan any barcode and he was immediately told
    the price for that item in all the other Supermarkets. It does indeed work, I now go to the
    food cabinet, scan a barcode and can plan my shopping trip to the cheapest place
    before I leave home.

    Good Stuff !

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: IOS 5……

    The coffe maker :-))

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: IOS 5……

    @criptic wrote:

    The coffe maker :-))

    Wow…… iPhone controlled coffee maker.

    Well if they can do that why not the curtains…..!!!!

    Sarah and I remote record our SKY after.

    It is all coming together nicely.

    Thanks !

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: IOS 5……

    Im jealous – really want a Tivo box *sulks

    Home automation is possible – you need a computer to act as a server (i.e. dedicated control) and then their are a few apps that give total environmental control (heat, light, electric sockets and door and curtain or draw openers – anything you want really. If anyone wins the lottery and want details…

    My friend (not disabled) installed one and I was impressed by ability to control heating :-) that said, our heating is on a remote but hubs keeps it high up or it would be on permanently high. Of course I just get my PA to press it :lol: :o and turn it down when he comes home.

    If you turn on an app that consumes power and shove it under your legs you get inbuilt heating from your iPhone… mind you, if its on vibrate it does rather make you wet yourself when a message is incoming and you didn’t expect it :o :shock: and we won’t even go into those Apps…

    One things I do admire Jobsy for is that when he was in hospital he started thinking of how to Apple-fy the entire ICU unit (i-drips, i-monitors etc etc) now if only the i-hospital had been invented and the i-chair.

    I think we should have put him in charge of the NHS…

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: IOS 5……

    At the same moment theyv released the new iPad Apple released
    the update to the operating system for all IOS devices :-

    IOS5.01 is replaqced by IOS 5.1

    Interestingly you do not need to go to iTunes you download by Wifi
    straight to device.

    Took 22 minutes.

    Suddenly my iPod Touch 4G is doing new things and looks a bit different in places. Camera
    operates fully from lock screen.

    Oh and it gives SIRI to the Japanese but not the British.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: IOS 5……

    More Good News !

    Apple have today released the latest update for the IOS operating system.

    You can now download IOS version 5.1.1 in iTunes or direct to your mobile gadget.

    Love this aspect of Apple, they keep working on things and give
    it to you free of charge.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: IOS 5……

    Didn’t mean it to sound like I was apple bashing in my ipad posts. I’m just indifferent about the iphone having now had one & nearly every other manufacturer before it. I don’t have time for apple fan boys though who bash anything other than apple.

    Anyway, just a note to all iphone 4s owners that may or may not have realised, when it was first released you wasn’t able to toggle the 3g on/off & that contributes to the poor battery. Whilst they’ve tried to address the battery problem with varying degrees of success, depending who you speak to, the 5.1.1 update allows you to toggle 3g on/off again but, be warned if you set it off, once you turn the phone off or it runs out of charge, it will turn it back on again itself. Personally, I always toggled it off because the call quality is poor on 3g or dropped altogether far too regularly, does for me anyway. Another well documented problem unfortunately. Data transfer wasn’t an issue because at home it connects to the router so no need for 3g connectivity.

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
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