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  • #74127
    IOS 5……

    A couple of years ago I won an Ipod Touch. Very exciting because as we know an Ipod is a very
    expensuve gadjet the plays your music perfectly and few videos too. I used to use it about
    once a month but mainly just enjoyed getting it for nothing.

    Then the MD Local Care Advisor turned up and re-organised my life in a hundred wonderful
    ways. One of these was getting rid of the enormous computer and replacing with a tiny laptop
    and going wireless. Suddenly my forgotten Ipod Touch came to life. It is a instantly a full featured
    computer that goes everywhere with me on a lanyard around my neck. In the kitchen, garden, and
    even in bed I am always online. Magic, magic, magic.

    Amazingly Jobsy and the Apple people now keep sending massive new updates that constantly improve
    my quality of life by making this tiny gadjet do more and more for me. Unlike other electronic gadjets
    it is making quantum Leaps in features for the disabled and housebound.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    One month ago the latest update of the Apple software came through IOS 5.

    Many many major upgrades and totally new features that are just so special and such
    a help to me.

    One leaps out. Checking Talk MD in the morning I tapped the touchscreen and AMG’s latest
    missive was suddenly highlighted with a box asking me do I want to COPY or SPEAK. Pressed
    speak and hey presto there she is talking to me. Magic, magic, magic.

    This works wherever you are on the internet or e-mails and with my gammy hands and
    arms is a QUANTUM LEAP.

    Critics would say it is a bit “metal Mickey” sounding, but no, by comparison to the other manufacturers
    efforts it is so much better. Much better than Stephen Hawkins voice…..and very importantly
    Apple will improve on it and give it to us for free.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    There are 200 new features in IOS 5 and too many to post here.

    Just a couple…..

    Once I accidently help onto the control button for five seconds. A box appears
    iwth “VOICE CONTROL” on it.

    Ask the thing “What Time is It and a voice tells you. Tell it “Play Album Astral Weeks” and
    it does. Tell it “Play Artist Joni Mitchell” and it does.

    Also the things now “Sync”s without me attaching a cable to it.

    There are a whole new range of ways to control the touchscreen by swipes and finger

    New Apps that play thousands of freee Audiobooks perfectly

    Not to mention Airplay, not to mention Facetime.

    Not to mention LED flash and custom vibration settings and new Audible alerts. In fact to
    use their phrase “innovative new features that make it easier for people with mobility, hearing,
    vision, and cognitive disabilities”. MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC.

    The future has arrived and it is just perfect timing for peope with progressive Neuromuscular
    disease. MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    @taungfox wrote:

    One leaps out. Checking Talk MD in the morning I tapped the touchscreen and AMG’s latest
    missive was suddenly highlighted with a box asking me do I want to COPY or SPEAK. Pressed
    speak and hey presto there she is talking to me. Magic, magic, magic.


    :o ….


    Cool :ugeek:

    Well not if its my voice, might frighten the children or the cat or both.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: IOS 5……

    @taungfox wrote:

    The future has arrived and it is just perfect timing for peope with progressive Neuromuscular
    disease. MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC.

    You don’t reckon much on it then :lol:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: IOS 5……

    keep toying with the idea but when I think of the iPod Touch or the iPhone or the Kinde for that atter, I wonder if I a going to use it enough to warrant the expenditure and get value for money.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: IOS 5……

    @amgmod wrote:

    @taungfox wrote:

    The future has arrived and it is just perfect timing for peope with progressive Neuromuscular
    disease. MAGIC, MAGIC, MAGIC.

    You don’t reckon much on it then :lol:


    Apparently I used to go “over the top” on these sort of things, but
    I am all calm and collected these days.

    Forgot to say this same IOS 5 apllies to the iPhone and iPad.

    The iPAD 3 now in developement will take this all to the next level.

    Computing in bed has arrived.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    @amgmod wrote:

    keep toying with the idea but when I think of the iPod Touch or the iPhone or the Kinde for that atter, I wonder if I a going to use it enough to warrant the expenditure and get value for money.

    @amgmod wrote:

    keep toying with the idea but when I think of the iPod Touch or the iPhone or the Kinde for that atter, I wonder if I a going to use it enough to warrant the expenditure and get value for money.

    This is fair comment.

    Apple items are expensive.

    Suddenly though for me they are moving from “luxuries” to “necessities”. When the iPad 3 comes out
    I will have to buy it.

    The Touchscreen is the key. Not like existing touchscreens but fully “capacitive”, impossible to describe
    how good they are. How completely resonsive to every touch or swipe, how a “pinch” gesture
    zooms with perfect control. I wake up in the night and am in two seconds online with my iPod to
    eight different websites.

    Audible and vibrating alerts from things like E-Bay, Facebook and E-mail and all sorts of
    other features.

    Kindle. The Apple family all have the free Kindle App and even better other E-readers. Try setting
    your Kindle up to 25 point in Yellow Text on Brown background (my AMD friends requirement)

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    I absolutely love my iPhone – am still in the “OMG it’s amazing” stage!!!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: IOS 5……

    ios upgrade has killed my poor ipod touch :( :( :( :( :( :(

    took the upgrade to get updates and new apps (wanted the book one)and it died. :( In now I hear from Taungy that you can get Lidl and supermarket Apps :(

    gave it too my techy person to resusitate and they ended up wiping everything by acident. and I still can t get onine, add music or download anything. :( now its an empty shell..

    I miss pody


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    Re: IOS 5……

    Tried talking to an Apple person online via their site?

    Are you anywhere near one of their store – they are super helpful in there?

    Shame it went *poof* :(

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: IOS 5……

    @catatude wrote:

    ios upgrade has killed my poor ipod touch :( :( :( :( :( :(
    took the upgrade to get updates and new apps (wanted the book one)and it died. :( In now I hear from Taungy that you can get Lidl and supermarket Apps :(
    gave it too my techy person to resusitate and they ended up wiping everything by acident. and I still can t get onine, add music or download anything. :( now its an empty shell..
    I miss pody

    This is bad. Poor old Pody.

    I have dropped mine many times and it will not break !

    Have you tried the the six second reset? (by pushing main button and top left button together for six seconds)

    Or doing the Factory Default Reset (by going to Settings / general / reset / reset all settings)

    As AMG says there are the Apple Stores. they have “Genius Bar” sessions. these are a free 15 minute session with an
    expert who will assess what your device needs and either repair it or give you a price if it a big repair. Do
    I recall us finding recently Cat is from Bonnie Jockland ? there are ones in Aberdeen and two in Glasgow.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    dont think Id be covered as it was second hand..

    will seek out the Glasgow store after xmas when I do the annual crumble gift returns of clothes that dont fit or that i cant get out off.

    thanks peeps

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    Re: IOS 5……

    One of my PAs is having trouble with the apple app store and iTunes store. She cannot log in to update or buy new apps. Anyone else had this recently? Vicki, didn’t you have probs with this a while ago?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: IOS 5……

    @sar78 wrote:

    One of my PAs is having trouble with the apple app store and iTunes store. She cannot log in to update or buy new apps. Anyone else had this recently? Vicki, didn’t you have probs with this a while ago?

    I usually downloads the Apps from my iPod / iPhone, will this get round problem or is the
    problem that it is not accepting her username and password (then it is a password problem)?

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    pody has been reborn (factory setting reset)

    sod all on it now but hopfully usable when it is home.

    the general feeling from the tech squad it some sort of conflict with a picture on it. apparanty the world screen saver had a general bug on it on all ipods. but could have been a software conflict with any of my pictures or one of the apps.. the pictures on it had been put on recently by my niece when she downloaded make your pics look like lego app.

    Sarah.. your pa could try removing any recent photos added or apps. or turn off the world screen saver image. worth a try before going the bother of a full reset..

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    Re: IOS 5……

    Hi ya Cat

    After a bit of playing around with the wording in a google search we solved the problem. I found a forum where someone had asked the same question and the advice worked :D hold down the home button and the off/on button together until it turns off – keep holding until the slider goes and the apple sign comes back on and hey presto, app store says yes!!!

    Glad your iPhone is back in the room!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: IOS 5……

    Welcome back to Pody and the the other Touchy.

    These things are nigh indestructable. For a time I hoped mine
    would break so I could justify an iPad purchase.

    Usually one of the two resets works.

    But keep every thing backed up.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    Discovering more about IOS 5.

    I am now on iCloud.

    The thing aoutomatically backs up Data every day to the Neverland of
    iCloud. 5 GB free, pay for any extra, this will be ample for most of us.
    No problem now if have a problem with your avtual iPhone, iPod.

    If you lose the whole thing completely or it is stolen there is a new App
    “Find Your iPod” that uses GPS to tell you exactly where it is. You can go
    on your PC and get it to make a sound to “guide you in”. You can even
    wipe all your data or lock the thing so as to foil the thief that way.

    Another wonderful !!

    When typing in to e-mail, facebook, e-bay etc, it has the usual predictive
    text but the difference is it speaks the suggestion to you. This eliminates the
    weird texty errors we keep seeing. In effect it actually tells you when you mistype
    and says the correction to you. Very Cool for us, just vital for my friend Brian
    and other partially sighted people.

    Magic, Magic, Magic.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: IOS 5……

    With IOS 5 there is a whole raft of High Spec Apps available at the App Store.

    “Navfree GPS Live Ok & ROI” is a totally free fully functioning
    Sat Nav system on a par with any of the paid versions. For sad sacks
    like me who have not been allowed to drive for ten years it even has a walking option
    and somehow it even knows my shortcut to the bread shop.

    Also the “SKY +” App that Sarah and I were having problems with earlier in the
    year now works perfectly and is the best TV guide ever. I was recording stuff
    from my bed yesterday.

    There is a free Monopoly App that has graphics and amazing 3D animation and is
    just a pleasure to play. “Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition”, or the traditional
    London one is just £0.69.

    Magic Stuff.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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