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  • #75135
    Iceland Do It Too…

    Today I am trying out Iceland Frozen Foods delivery service.

    Have used Tesco and Asda before but Iceland is totally free delivery if you order over £ 25.00

    The slots available were 3-5 and 6-8. I have gone for 3-5 so expect a knock on the door any minute now. Have
    run down my two freezers and have plenty of space for £ 35.45 of frozen goodies.

    Looking forward to their two new products “Chicken Stew With Dumpling” and “Fish, Mushy Peas and Chip Bites”

    Most of the standard Iceland Microwave meals come as standard 500 grm weight where in other
    stores it is 400 grm. Much better value.

    Note Iceland are still “rolling out” their online ordering, not all areas have it yet. But you can go there
    order £ 25 worth and have it delivered later for free.

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…


    Party at Taungy’s house

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    @amgmod wrote:


    Party at Taungy’s house

    All welcome…….

    just ordered the new “Party Food” line from them…..

    including the absolutely “gorge” :-


    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Tonight I will have their magnificent :-

    “Chicken Melt Pizza”

    Prince Charles will not dine so well today !

    ….and things always taste better when they are half price.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Ooh ooh oooooh! Fish, chip & mushy pea bites! Heaven on a plate!!!

    Seen these on the ads when I’m a celeb get me outer here! Get me in there!

    I thought 3/4 of those would be just the right size for my supper.

    Co-op are good for free deliveries too, well they’ve always been free for me at my local, you can choose your goods & pay then they bag em and deliver later to suit you!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    im going to give Iceland a try. however im still loving oakhouse foods :D


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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    @shellybear wrote:

    Ooh ooh oooooh! Fish, chip & mushy pea bites! Heaven on a plate!!!

    They were lovely, very nice indeed ! Highly recommend them.

    Very rich too, you feel very full and satisfied. Looking at the pack each “stack” is 54 calories which
    makes it 648 calories for the pack which is very high by comparison.

    Big shock though. Assumed it is cod, but it is Shark!

    Vietnamese Pangasius Hypopthalmus which is the Iridescent Shark. It is a lovely white meaty
    fish, just a slightly different flavour to get used to. The reason – Cod is over $ 5.50 per kg,
    Pangasius is $ 2.50. Very nice and tasty.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Pangasius or Iridescent Shark.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    well I looked at Iceland and the buggers don’t do online shopping for my area yet. so im stuck with Wiltshire farm foods and Oakhouse.. however im not complaining at the Oakhouse because the meals are lovely


    Posts: 526
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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    @littlestef wrote:

    well I looked at Iceland and the buggers don’t do online shopping for my area yet. so im stuck with Wiltshire farm foods and Oakhouse.. however im not complaining at the Oakhouse because the meals are lovely

    Yes, they are rolling it out gradually. When it gets to you it is the one completely free service if you
    order £ 25.

    Wiltshire are good, Oakhouse are the best Quality if a bit more expensive. I love their Turkey Dinner
    for a treat.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Excellent news.

    Iceland now tell us the roll-out of online ordering will reach us here in SW in April.

    All my favourite high calorie foods delivered to my freezer door for free

    Very pleased.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    I loves online food shopping. did a Tesco order last saturday night and and it arrived next day.. was still even wearing the same pjs I order it in . fantastic. they even compared the shop and would have matched the price of else where had they not been cheapest. I do it via mysupermarket and sometimes get cash back too and coupons.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    @catatude wrote:

    I loves online food shopping. did a Tesco order last saturday night and and it arrived next day.. was still even wearing the same pjs I order it in . fantastic. they even compared the shop and would have matched the price of else where had they not been cheapest. I do it via mysupermarket and sometimes get cash back too and coupons.

    Me too, got some yummy food delivered yesterday and am slowly making my way through it!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    D day is May 1st.

    Then I can order online, and have completely free delivery to my door.

    Better than that actually to my freezer shelf, the nice driver with the east european accent
    insists on bringing it all into the kitchen and even offers to put it in the freezer for me.

    (at moment I have to get to store and select stuff for later delivery. from May 1 do it all online).

    This is good !

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    @taungfox wrote:

    D day is May 1st.

    Then I can order online, and have completely free delivery to my door.

    Better than that actually to my freezer shelf, the nice driver with the east european accent
    insists on bringing it all into the kitchen and even offers to put it in the freezer for me.

    (at moment I have to get to store and select stuff for later delivery. from May 1 do it all online).

    This is good !

    As an expert online shopper …. when shopping for food stuffs online, ALWAYS CHECK THE GRAMMAGE ….. I have oft fallen fowl of ordering a minuscule amount of something necessary or a gi-nor-mous amount of something that only a pinch is needed :lol:

    It is amazing how much we shop by image rather than standard sized photo and blurb.

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Haven’t used Iceland yet but, the best home shopping service by far is Ocado. At the moment they serve for Waitrose but, they will soon be delivering to your door on behalf of Morrison too.

    The Ocado driver’s name & vehicle name will be text to you on the day delivery is due, that text will tell you if there’s any subs. The driver will explain the colour coordinated handles of bags & what they contain. He’ll offer to take away any carrier bags for recycle, no matter where they’ve come from but, the biggest stand out difference is the delivery note. The Ocado note will list fresh items in a date expiry order. It’s so helpful.

    Downside – Waitrose is expensive. If you only shop offer items you’ll be sound & if you order so far in advance or late at night the delivery can often be free too (if you spend a certain amount).

    Tesco are the same, only shop special offers, they do pretty good substitute items but, always check the dates on fresh stuff & for flat bread/rolls. The high turnover in drivers means they care little for your bloomer.

    Asda are just competitively priced all year round & will offer a cheaper six hour slot for delivery or a normal two hour one but, a text/email confirming on day of delivery will tell you a one hour slot. Asda’s subs mostly have been to my favour & very generous but, sometimes they get it wildly wrong (once I wanted a brush for cleaning dishes, they sent dishwashing machine liquid !).

    Asda & tesco, in my experience, struggle supplying popular special offer items sometimes & can offer a poor sub, either crap brand or not the same quantity (ordered a kilo free range skinless chicken breast, received 300g skin on thighs with no info on chicken condition. I rejected to which the driver said “you do know you can take the skin off ?”) or Tesco on one occasion, nothing at all.

    By far, in my experience Sainsbury has been the worst. They don’t offer great subs & if they do they charge you the difference. They’ve consistently brought me bread/rolls & meat dated same day, on a past 20.00 delivery. That means I either have stale bread next day, freeze it & go out for more bread (defeats object of home shopping) etc etc you get the pic. Sainsburys aren’t particularly cheap either.

    Oh & whilst I do like Asda I’ll warn you of this, lately they banner ad highlighting a lot of goods that aren’t neccesarily on offer & stuff that is on offer don’t always have an offer expiry date or warn you that price will change on the day of delivery, leaving you with a bigger bill than expected. They’ve also taken two amounts from my account before, one for the shopping ordered & one for the shopping delivered. Now whilst they argue they’ve not physically taken the money, they’ve staked a claim for it, that means until that claim runs out, normally three-five days, you can’t draw on that money.

    I, Disabled Bloke
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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    I was the first order on the first day.

    It was magnificent. Fifty-nine items ordered and fifty eight delivered on the 3.00 to 5.00 PM
    delivery slot. Nice Polish driver insisted on bringing all the bags up the little steps and into the kitchen.
    He was a bit miffed I would not let him put them in the freezers.

    What a great service. The online ordering was just so simple and easy.

    I will no longer chase the cheaper prices, the convenience outweighs everything else.

    Just one item, the apple pies were out of stock and both my freezers are now chock a block.

    Winter will be so much less a problem this year.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Iceland Do It Too…

    Awesome job Taungy.

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