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  • #74497

    In particular food hygiene. I cook my own food and I use a power chair while I do it. On the odd occasion I cook with meat I’m very conscious of where my hands have been and what they have to touch before I can even get to my sink. I know a solution is wearing gloves but I’d still have to touch my control sometimes if I’ve misjudged the distance and need to get closer. Does anyone have any gadgets/tricks to help avoid spreading bacteria? At the moment (aside from washing my hands) I use the detol wipes all the time on my control but ideally I’d like something more fool proof that I can wash and use again. Perhaps something like this doesn’t exist but I have to ask….

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    Posts: 266
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    Re: Hygiene

    Interesting thought, I don’t use a chair but do use my hands as I waddle along my kitchen from food prep bit to sink.

    You are correct, gloves are no help. In fact someone was told not to wear gloves while food preping because it tends to make the wearer complacent, whereas we are more likely to wash our hands more frequently if we do not wear gloves.

    Other than the wet wipe idea, I cannot think of anything.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Hygiene

    what about putting sandwich bags or latex gloves over controls.. if you get a real big size you can fit the thumb over the control. we do this on the stair-lift controls when painting..

    you could double wrap then remove a layer after the messy parts done till you can hand wash.

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    Re: Hygiene

    Problem with gloves is there needs to be give in them otherwise the chair will move without me touching it if it’s switched on. I’ve used carrier bags/sandwich bags/freezer bags in the past, they’re okay as a short term solution – they start adding up because when I actually need them for food storage there arent any left. Maybe I’m being picky but thanks both of you for responding :)

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    Re: Hygiene

    Hygiene is a valid point, how often do we realy think about things like door handles, light switches, remote controls, wheelchair controls etc the items that are easily forgotten when you [as in me :oops: ] finally remember to tackle them with the cloth.

    I laugh at the auto sensor soap dispenser adverts because the very next thing you do after putting the soap on your hands is … wash them!!! Usually followed by grabing the looks-clean-but-likely-grubby door handle :lol:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Hygiene

    Good point – I don’t cook myself but when I did drag my paws everywhere I guess I got bacteria everywhere! I am wondering (I get the concept of food hygiene) to what level to take it though – I don’t think I ever got ill from preparing food and using joystick at same time so to what degree should hygiene be taken?

    Have you seen those UV light things (not sure it’s UV but something like that) – you can install these lights in a kitchen or bathroom that nuke bacteria when they shine on things for say x minutes so you don’t need to ever clean anything. You can also get the light in a wand to scan over things to nuke everything. They are quite amazing.

    I am wondering though, along the same lines, if you use the loo, steer to the sink to wash hands – we could be already transfering germs to the control. I do use a wet wipe for my hands before steering/ transferring or whatever but it doesn’t have any gel or anything aimed at germs (and I think its the running water and length/power of the hand scrub that counts?? – which of course is also a lot weaker if I ever do get to the sink)…. hmmm interesting. Not really thought of that before…. eeek *runs to scrub chair.

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    Re: Hygiene

    Oce you start t tink about it it all gets a bit mind boggling. While minimal expose can be good for ur bodies immune system [its the white cells verson of going to the gym] it os now lingering in my mind, that to the great and good who cross my threshold that their systems may not always be tip-top as mine.

    Hmm …..

    I have a carex hand gel that advertises antibacterial protection, I started using them years ago to ‘wash’ my hands before working on any delicate stitching as I did not want the back cloth to get grubby or mark the silks.

    :lol: in fact the only thing that gets washed in proper posh stuff and ironed are my cross stitch pieces!

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Hygiene

    Oh, I know that some exposure of bacteria can be good for your immune system but I’m more concerned with the harmful ones you find in raw meat, eggs, fish and of course, using the loo. I’ve never been ill because of it *touch wood* but it seems like tempting fate. Some people have different chopping boards for veg/meat/fish etc to ensure bacteria isnt spread and/or you dont taste fish on veg for example.

    It seems I’ll carry on as I have been, it was a post to see if anyone had an alternative solution :) weird that no one has thought of this before. By no one, I mean ‘experts’ and manufacturers of magical gadgets.

    What about second breakfast?


    Posts: 266
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    Re: Hygiene

    I have a glass chopping board which I use exclusively for raw meat, I have a good old wooden one for everything else.

    My BFF is ultra phobic about raw chicken, you’d think she was handling nuclear waste! straight into the water and washes everything thoroughly and rinses it, she throws away the chicken tray and washing up sponge. Then she cleans the sink again after pulling the plug [never uses a washing up bowl] and washes her hands again. Then carries on with the cooking.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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