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  • #75519
    How to staighten the elbows?

    Does anyone know of any equipment to staighten elbows?

    my arms are going past 90 degrees and it makes it really difficult to open doors. I was told i cant have surgery as i will lose so much muscle i wont be able to use my arms.

    so if there is no equipment does anyone know any exercises (that actually works).

    has any e.d sufferers had much luck in stretching the elbows?

    Posts: 28
    Joined: 10/03/2014
    Re: How to staighten the elbows?

    I’m confused, what is it that your elbows won’t do? In order for me to maintain strength I have to keep my elbows straight and locked as it were, when I bend them I loose a good 50% of the strength and dexterity.

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    Re: How to staighten the elbows?

    I have really bad elbow contractures which have gradually got worse over time. As I have lost strength, I have lost functional ability and ability to reach. What has happened in my case is that the elbow joint has set, I think there is a name for this. I was told it was unlikely stretching would improve this but it certainly stops further stiffening. The same thing happened to my wrist but I think with gentle passive stretching it has improved so my answer is I’m not sure. If you did stretching it ought to be very gentle and I would advise you get advice from a neuromuscular physiotherapist as sometimes you can do more harm than good.

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    sar78 sar78
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    Re: How to staighten the elbows?

    Hi, this is the exact same problem I am having.

    My contractors are really bad and have lost the ability to reach and do things with my arms.

    The physio just says to do stretches, but I don’t think she knows if my arms will get better or not, as most of the work is guess work.

    Can I just ask how did you find out that your elbow bones have set? As I am wondering f this has happened to me.

    Posts: 28
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    Re: How to staighten the elbows?

    I have a vague memory of either a paediatric consultant or physio explaining it, that the elbow is a very complex joint and it was unlikely we could get any improvement in my elbow however I did break my arm when I was young so at that point it could have been trauma related? Something to do with the tissue hardening? I’m sorry I cannot be more specific.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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