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  • #74467
    Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    Blog about getting knickers on and off – and my latest invention (well adaptation) – popper knickers is below.

    It’s been dreadful getting used to using a hoist for the first time – bang on the wrong time of the month with a PA working their first day and the first time I used a hoist properly. A trial run with hubby had us both fighting back tears as it was so hard. The knickers are good – but still risk moving to the side as we sit down so I asked the district nurse if I could also sit on a ‘protector’ its like a thin pad with a waterproof backing to catch mishaps of whatever kind. I used to get them free from the nurse when I lived in Herts. I was told I couldn’t have them without an assessment for incontinence! I explained I wanted them for menstrual purposes and they said they would still have to assess whether I needed them. They had never had such a request before.

    So, a few days later, the nurse came round and I had to explain in detail why I needed them and a few minutes later went off to fill in her form and submit it to another person to assess if I could have any! I only want 6 of these toppers a month and apparently they can get expensive to buy (which I want to avoid if I can). If I am turned down I will be on E-bay unless anyone else uses them and has a cheap supplier?

    So, anyway, here is my blog with the popper knickers for when I have to use a hoist, made by me, hubs and mum in law!!! The things you have to do for a bit of dignity. :oops:

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    Stoopid me … I thought the hoist would naturally come with something of a hygiene sheet/pad after all there are going to be nakey times when the hoist is used, damp times [like post washing] etc, accidents do happen.

    You’ve found another flaw in the ‘care’ thinking of the suited and booted consultants .. a female crip has menstral cycles, who’d a thunk that!

    Broke my heart to read the upset the hoist caused you and hubs.

    So has the postman seen your new knickers?? :P

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    Well done to Louise for continuing to solve all the problems in her own and the
    disabled world.

    She is wasted on us, she should be running the country!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    :lol: “pants, poppers n periods”:lol: good name for a movie.

    get your knickers out :roll: on dragons den (sorry)

    well done, great blog…and I glad Im not alone in refusing drugs to limit periods to make life easier for others. what the medicos dont inform you is that where you may not get a bleed, you still get all the other symptoms.. spots, cramp, oily hair and skin etc etc

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    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.


    This is a fantastic innovation. I agree that you should take it to Dragons’ Den!

    May I write about it in the next edition of Target MD? I think it would be of great interest to our readers … you might end up with a truckload of orders, though!


    Posts: 141
    Joined: 22/06/2011
    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    @writerruth wrote:

    May I write about it in the next edition of Target MD?

    You’re more than welcome – if the DIY design is useful for people then I’m happy to give more details to anyone who wants to have a go of making their own (or how to put them on in a hoist sling/vest!!).

    I’m proud of what my family helped bring together :-) .

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    Brilliant, Louise – thank you. I’ll be in touch!


    Posts: 141
    Joined: 22/06/2011
    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    @amgmod wrote:

    So has the postman seen your new knickers?? :P

    LOL – na I only let him see me with no clothes on ;-)


    *If you didn’t hear that story – I changed the layout of my bedroom for our ceiling hoist to be installed – and at the moment of transfer I realised my bum was facing the bedroom window with the new layout. Not only that but the curtains were open and at that exact moment the postman came down the drive, feet from the window and the rest you can guess… fail. ps he was rather hunky though I now find out – must remember I’m married lol. :o

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Hoists, knickers and my latest invention.

    I like the story, Louise! When I was in an intermediate care home for a couple of weeks and had to be hoisted I realised after a couple of days that there were quite a number of flats facing my window and net curtains might not give enough privacy!

    I think your adapted knickers are brilliant. Well done you for solving the problem. I hope you get some credit [money?!] for the idea if it ends up on Dragons’ Den or is manufactured on a large scale!

    Sybylla :lol:

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