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  • #75294
    Hi and RSMD

    Hi Everyone,

    I came to this forum a while ago under a different username, but, I thought I would re-introduce myself!

    I was diagnosed around 18 months ago with Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy. My neuro consultant at the time said, that she couldn’t give me a definite prognosis because the MD that I had was a rare form of MD, not a common form that you come across, but she did say, judging on what she has seen on 2 other patients she has with RSMD, that she would expect my walking/mobility to get worse within the next 10 years, could be more or could be less.

    Just wondered if there were any fellow suffers of Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy on here, that we could share experiences or notes so to speak. Love to hear from any on here. I read a few posts from people that do have this form of MD, but that was back in 2012 and I don’t think they have posted anything since then?


    Posts: 15
    Joined: 14/10/2013
    Re: Hi and RSMD

    Hi Liam

    I do recall a few posts on RSMD in the past. It might be that we have more members with RSMD but as yet they have only read posts rather than participated. Hopefully your post will encourage people to post. So keep checking back :)

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Hi and RSMD

    Hi Sar,

    Yes, I’m sure there are more people on here who have RSMD, but have yet to post, I hope my post will encourage those who have RSMD to share their stories and experiences!

    I will keep checking back on here frequently.


    Posts: 15
    Joined: 14/10/2013
    Re: Hi and RSMD


    After checking on here regurlarly, I see that to date, no one else has RSMD (Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy). It must be a rare form of MD indeed! Or maybe there are some posters on here that do, but are shy to talk about it? I wish there were others, as it would be great to compare experiences and findings!

    Anyway, just an update. I have been in contact with the MD Physiotherapist who I saw last year, to have a review with her. My nature of my review is to see what sort of physio exercises I should be doing now and to hopefully continue with these physio/exercises. I have an appointment with her Wednesday 19th November.

    Last year it was a mutual agreement between my physiotherapist and myself, that she couldn’t continue giving me physio exercises to do at home, because I couldn’t commit the time or energy required to do these, as I had a physically demanding job which requires me to do shift work. I have decided to slow down with these shift work and physically demanding job, so hopefully I can commit more to physiotherapy exercises to try and keep the muscles I have got, from wasting away and toned.

    I will keep you all posted!

    Liam. :)

    Posts: 15
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    Re: Hi and RSMD

    Hope you get on all right at your appointment on 19th, Liam.


    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Re: Hi and RSMD

    @liam40 wrote:


    After checking on here regurlarly, I see that to date, no one else has RSMD (Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy). It must be a rare form of MD indeed! Or maybe there are some posters on here that do, but are shy to talk about it? I wish there were others, as it would be great to compare experiences and findings!

    Hi ya

    32 and have Rigid spine SPN1 mutation. and also have the pain you describe ie the pin/needles in feet and more painfully the pain in bum and upper legs. I go every few months for spinal injections direct into tail bone to combat sciatic type pains. after a few jags was bale to reduce and stop the amytripulane and dicolfenic

    physio. they do tend to get feed up with us mdiers dont they :roll: my last one made me feel like a time waster as in her words “I couldn’t be improved” :roll: . I went for hydrotherapy and found that really good.


    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Hi and RSMD

    @sybyllascarlett wrote:

    Hope you get on all right at your appointment on 19th, Liam.


    Thank you Sybylla!

    Liam :)

    Posts: 15
    Joined: 14/10/2013
    Re: Hi and RSMD

    @catatude wrote:

    @liam40 wrote:


    After checking on here regurlarly, I see that to date, no one else has RSMD (Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy). It must be a rare form of MD indeed! Or maybe there are some posters on here that do, but are shy to talk about it? I wish there were others, as it would be great to compare experiences and findings!

    Hi ya

    32 and have Rigid spine SPN1 mutation. and also have the pain you describe ie the pin/needles in feet and more painfully the pain in bum and upper legs. I go every few months for spinal injections direct into tail bone to combat sciatic type pains. after a few jags was bale to reduce and stop the amytripulane and dicolfenic

    physio. they do tend to get feed up with us mdiers dont they :roll: my last one made me feel like a time waster as in her words “I couldn’t be improved” :roll: . I went for hydrotherapy and found that really good.


    Hi Cat,

    Yay, someone else with RSMD!

    Not been offered the spinal injections yet. Do they inject into the nerves at the base of the spine? If they do, Not sure I want to go down that route as my mum had this type of pain killing injection and after she had it, she couldn’t feel her legs. The doctors thought they’d paralysed my mum! Thankfully after a couple of hours my mum started to feel both her legs again. You can imagine, it was a massive relief for everyone!!!

    What other problems have you come across so far with your RSMD?

    Thank you for replying to my post!

    Liam. :)

    Posts: 15
    Joined: 14/10/2013
    Re: Hi and RSMD

    hi. the trick with the spinal jags is a good doc and hitting the right spot. I have had some that didnt help and didnt last but my last was bang on and has lasted the longest. I am slightly fortunate that they are not injecting above the pelvus near the spinal cord as that when you risk the feeling, mines done right at tail bone.. My freind couldnt feel her legs when she had her eldest as the injected into the wrong bit.

    I drifted on for years with nothing drastic happening but age doesnt seem to come kindly to MDiers. I get cramp so bad in feet that I want to chop right foot off. dodgy stomach and gut issues probably related to different meds they have chucked at me over the years. and my breathing is getting worse. but hey I still have good days. oh and a new development is that one eye has started not completely closing when sleep so it ends up blood shot.


    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Hi and RSMD

    Hi Cat,

    When I was a child, the doctors thought there was something wrong with me, but they couldn’t/didn’t investigate it further. But now, there’s more vast knowledge, tests and scans than there was in the 1970’s!

    The problems I have been experiencing apart from the nerve pains in the buttocks, legs and feet are, I’ve had a limp for years but the last year or so, I’ve noticed the limp is getting worse. I also walk rigid/straight, because of this rigidness I’ve had people say to me “have you been in the armed forces because you walk so upright/straight?” Makes me laugh most of the time! When I carry things in front of me I tend to lean/arch backwards to try and compensate for the loss of muscle strength due to lack of muscle tone and weakness in the lower back and lower abdomen (which are the core muscles). Also when carrying bags of shopping up a flight of stairs, if I take two bags up the stairs at the same time, usually I get as far as half way up and then have to stop, then continue the rest of the way by pushing up on my right leg and then lift the left leg up until it’s on the same step as the right one. I can’t seem to continue pushing up with my left one, I also start bending forward at this point instead of keeping upright. Unfortunately I live in a maisonette in a block of flats where there is no lift, just a flight of communal stairs leading from the ground floor to the first floor where the door to my maisonette is. I do get out of breath by the time I’ve got all the shopping in. In my maisonette I have a spiral staircase, which I’m finding cumbersome to get up when carrying things. If I do have to carry something up, I usually carry it in the hand furtherest away from the handrail and use the free hand to hold on and pull up on the handrail. I actually have to do this even with nothing in my hand. Any stairs anywhere are a problem and do make me short of breath when climbing up them. Also, like when going up the stairs, I have to hold onto the handrail coming down the stairs for stability. When I’m walking up a slope/hill, i tend to lean forward whilst going up. I also can’t move my body quickly. I also can’t run at all.

    Like you, I have breathing problems. When walking up slopes/hills or steps, I get breathless. If I try and walk fast, which I can’t really do, I get out of breath. I also have a breathing problem at night. It was discovered through undergoing a sleep study because I was getting headaches/heavy heads in the mornings and wasn’t feeling refreshed after sleeping, that I have a form of sleep apnoea. My diaphragm doesn’t do its job properly whilst I’m in my deep sleep state, this is due to the RSMD. When I’m asleep, I don’t get enough oxygen in my bloodstream and I retain carbon dioxide in my bloodstream. Therefore I have to use a Nippy3 ventilator whilst sleeping. I can’t lie flat unless I’m using the Nippy, if I haven’t got It with me if I’m sleeping somewhere else, I have to sleep propped up. Using the Nippy has helped with the apnoea.


    Posts: 15
    Joined: 14/10/2013
    Re: Hi and RSMD

    hi liam

    all sounds very familiar I used to do the pressing on each leg to negotiate hills and steps as well as getting up of the floor using hands to walk up legs and body walking up anything handy till body was upright.

    even though its a maisonette have you considered a stair lift inside. particularly with the fan staircase. I put a second hand stair lift in my sisters a number of years ago as I stopped being able to cope with the fan at top of stairs as this part was too wide for me to reach banister on both sides and the steps got higher and as narrow as an inch on the thin side. not the most glamorous of things but a godsend for carrying the ironing up the stairs.

    having to sleep propped up was how they first diagnosed my breathing condition. I too have nippy I take it everywhere. thank god for the battery in this model.

    take care


    Posts: 1,002
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