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  • #73980
    Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    In GP surgery this week saw a lady with a walking aid that is the
    answer to all my problems.

    My fingers have siezed up completely so that holding anything is a
    problem. I am even having to “adapt” my adaptive cutley.

    Walking sticks are a major problem. They have to be gripped don’t they?
    Does not work with my several reduced grip. My hand just becomes a painful
    “Claw” as the myotonia kicks in. Exremely painful Claw. lLeads to dropping
    sticks, tripping etc. Had a count up, 22 walking sticks I own trying to
    solve this but they all need gripping that is the problem, even the knobbly
    shillealegh types.

    The lady in the waiting room had a vertical pole that lead to a half-drainpipe section
    hinged on top of it in a T section. Her arm just rested in the curved half of the
    darinpipe sction with a velcro loop to secure it. No gripping, no pain, no
    problem, full support. Being English i did not say a word of course but went home to
    look it up in the Lloyds pharmacy catalogue or the internet. Nothing. Nothin like it.

    What is this? where is this ? I need it. Is it a Heath Robinson ?

    Any input or ideas very much appreciated.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    this anything like it :?:

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    I hate to think of you suffering with sticks taungfox, have you not applied for a powerchair?

    I really hope you solve your grip problems, 22 sticks! I thought i was mad with 7 forearm crutches. (ones a black one for attending funerals) ;)

    Posts: 747
    Joined: 05/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    or how about.

    much better price than the days one above. but still pricy at £55.99

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    am on a role now. ;)

    the physio I went to for a brief time had frames like thse. also seen it as a quadwalker with a full cushion lean shelf..
    physio was trying to get me a short person one ;) I have issues as well with grip and do much better when I can lean for both hand grip and breathing.

    like the idea of the stikes above as well, will try and wangle one or at least a demo of a pair if I ever get back on the physio list. or stick it on the crimbo list for the dude in the red suit. some jobs would be a whole lot easier with the right stick. a walkers good for getting about the house but to do dishes in my tiny kitchen I need to to a 90 point turn every time I move.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    Wow !!!!

    Thanks again to Cat and her endless supply of Teccy Help.

    Also she then goes on to find them at half price.

    I think my waiting room lady had seen these and got her hubby to
    knock up a version in his garden shed.

    As you say expensive but as covered elswhere this is what the dLA is for the extra
    expenses of being disabled before any idiot decides we suddenly do not need it.

    Did not know the three and four wheeled walkers /rollators came with same level arm

    At the risk of repeating my words from other threads :-


    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    go Cat… go Cat… :D

    Great info!

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
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    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    @catatude wrote:

    . also seen it as a quadwalker with a full cushion lean shelf..

    like the idea of the stikes above as well, will try and wangle one or at least a demo of a pair if I ever get back on the physio list. or stick it on the crimbo list for the dude in the red suit. some jobs would be a whole lot easier with the right stick. a walkers good for getting about the house but to do dishes in my tiny kitchen I need to to a 90 point turn every time I move.

    Done, dusted, Sorted, Bought today.

    Cat has solved the probby.

    Bought the quadwalker version…………it solves all the problems on both arms and is
    a super seat you havewith you all the time. LIDL had it today as one of their “specials” £ 69
    and it is identical to the fancy scandinavian one (tropo trojo or something) that are £ 200. Unlike
    the clunky Brit ones this is super lite, you walk right in the middle, and it folds flat for storing. In
    Tescos no need for shopping trolley too.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    Here it is, with five pretty pics :-

    It is also a percher, an indoor one, turns on a sixpence and just glides, no
    need for gripping.

    Crisis over.

    Thank Cat.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    Hey Taungfox that is brilliant. So pleased :D What is also brilliant is how you have been able to solve a problem from posting on here. Excuse me for getting a bit sentimental and understandably biased – but this is a great forum isn’t it? :D

    Shameless plugging now over…

    (No I haven’t been drinking… yet ;) )

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    great buy taungfox..

    I got the tubular Aldi version earlier this summer then lidl did this one a week later. was hopping mad at myself for inpulse buying as your new one is super easy to fold and surpirsingly light.

    Go team MD info hunters ;) sorry been at sarahs wine.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    Yup the drinks are on me hic :?

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    @taungfox wrote:

    @catatude wrote:

    . also seen it as a quadwalker with a full cushion lean shelf..

    like the idea of the stikes above as well, will try and wangle one or at least a demo of a pair if I ever get back on the physio list. or stick it on the crimbo list for the dude in the red suit. some jobs would be a whole lot easier with the right stick. a walkers good for getting about the house but to do dishes in my tiny kitchen I need to to a 90 point turn every time I move.

    Done, dusted, Sorted, Bought today.

    Cat has solved the probby.

    Bought the quadwalker version…………it solves all the problems on both arms and is
    a super seat you havewith you all the time. LIDL had it today as one of their “specials” £ 69
    and it is identical to the fancy scandinavian one (tropo trojo or something) that are £ 200. Unlike
    the clunky Brit ones this is super lite, you walk right in the middle, and it folds flat for storing. In
    Tescos no need for shopping trolley too.

    Yay! Congratulations, Taungfox. I hope it’s perfect for all your needs. (Now, if they could just invent one that’ll make you coffee and bring it to you…)

    Posts: 20
    Joined: 06/09/2011
    Re: Help Needed For Walking Gadjet….

    @sar78 wrote:

    What is also brilliant is how you have been able to solve a problem from posting on here. Excuse me for getting a bit sentimental and understandably biased – but this is a great forum isn’t it? :D

    Excellent point.

    I had a glaring and painful need. I asked the forum.

    Cat found the item in two minutes flat. (I was googling arm support sticks but it is an arthritic crutch)

    Then she found a better one,

    Then she found it half price.

    Then she found one that did both arms supported together (I have symmetrical pains)

    and she mentioned there was a four wheeled version.

    Other people added their support.

    Then having been given the info……there in LIDL was virtually the exact thing and
    at a knockdown price.

    The Forum has done me well !!!!

    Right now let’s solve the Palestinian Question and the Bufget Deficit.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
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