Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

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  • #74357
    Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Hi there my name is Charlene Denton and I am a 28 yr old differently able mum and wife. I have 3 kids two boys and a girl, and been married 5 year and together for 13 and a half year and live in Sheffield.

    I have Charcot Marie tooth type 1A, this is not considered a serious form.But the muscle waist and nerve damage leave other health problems and I have found not one person in the same family suffer the same.

    I have scoliosis of the spine, because my muscle is wasting around my spine it is curving. I have had a branch block for the pain it causes me which helped enough for me to able to live a better life style.
    I also have restricted breathing , and use a wheelchair to go out in as I am unable to weight bare for long periods of time.

    I suffer nerve pain, cramps, muscle pain, fatigue, hand tremor, foot drop and more.
    The cmt comes from my dad’s side of the family, unfortunately my dad never played a active role in my life or pay child maintenance but left me with the cmt.

    My mum found it hard to cope with the effect the cmt had on me, and when I finally needed the use of a wheelchair. And she had only visited me twice in 5 month of me being in neuro rehab. I asked why and she told me she couldn’t deal with it, and then when my son was tested and there was concerns he had it. She was kind enough to tell me what a bad person I was for having kids because I have charcot Marie tooth. And wished that if my son had the cmt then she hope my cmt made me suffer just as bad.

    So I also had to endure a breakdown of relationship with my mother, and sister. As my sister took joy in terrorizing me for weeks with sick threats of

    ” best you remember your legs don’t, work can’t run when I comes smash your face in.” She has mental health problems granted. But I raised her and cared for her instead of making most of time with my family and that hurt.
    All because I stopped my family having contact with me and my children, I also have post traumatic stress disorder caused by years of mental and physical abuse.

    I was diagnosed with cmt after I had my son, I noticed strange things happening. I would fall over a lot my grip on jars got weaker and I would become fatigued easy.
    I thought I had come to terms with the diagnosis, but chucking the letter of confirmation in the bin. And then pushing it to the back of my mind untill I felt I needed to worry was not coming to terms with it.

    I realized this when I had to use the wheelchair and am quiet dependent on it, coming to terms with it was hard.
    I didn’t know who I was anymore, and combined with the depression I gave in.
    I eventually did come to terms with it, I had to I had the kids to live for regardless of how hard it had been.

    At first I saw cmt as the enemy, and thought my life was over (as dramatic as it sounds).
    I didn’t realize that actually it wasn’t my enemy but part of me, I noticed that in hating the cmt I hated myself.
    And despite all I have been through I do more now then ever, now I am living life.

    I started travelling abroad twice a year, and I horse ride every other week to help maintain what strength I have and my balance. I am so glad I have my kids because if it was not for them I would of given up by now, and probably be lost.
    I also am more appreciative of things and people in my life and don’t take anything or one for granted.

    I would love to meet people in south Yorkshire/ Sheffield that has the same or similar problems.
    As I don’t have anyone to relate to here , and at times that can be frustrating.

    Thanks for stopping by to read Charlene x

    Posts: 0
    Joined: 01/01/1970
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Welcome to Talk MD.

    Glad you have found us.

    We love long posts. Will read your fully tomorrow.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Wow, very brave first post.

    We are sorry you have so many problems. The things you say will strike a chord with many on
    this forum. You raise many issues that we frequently discuss on these pages. There is
    a search facility in top right of this page and you will find many of them have been
    very fully explored.

    CMT is one of the rarer forms of MD but I note you have found a thread with others
    with that variant. If you click on the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign logo at the top
    there is a link to the main site with a mountain of help and advice. This includes
    the network of Regional Care Advisors to advise on all aspects of muscle disease. Usually
    people just browse and fire away questions. Or we like to say just have a rant, we
    like to think people here will understand.

    Inheritance and family issues can be difficult and you have obviously have had great
    problems with that. It does sound bad and not what people with MD need. Amazingly
    you seem to have come through it all and worked out a very sensible and responsible
    outlook on your life. You will find many people here with similar optimistic

    You really do seem to be doing all the right things. Great you are making great efforts
    to remain as active as possible. That is so important.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Hello Charlene,

    Thank you for your brave post. I was so saddened by the attitudes of some you have close, such a shame, and saddened more that you are not the first to suffer so. I could only empathise when I read about your comming to terms with your cmt, I still have bouts of childlike tantrums and wallowing melancholy, with a side of “be better for others if I were gone” – I think they are just elements of the environmental impact on our personalities .

    Yousound a strong brave person and that has to be a positive example for your children.

    Welcome to our corner of the web, feel free to rant, cry, laugh and advise, we look forward to reading you :D

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness www.amgroves.com

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Hello Charlene,
    I agree with Taungfox and AMG – you have had a tough time of it but are being positive and doing all you can to make the most of life. I expect many people reading your “story” will be able to identify with one or more things you say.
    This is a very friendly place to meet and chat with others who have all forms of MD. I only started logging in about 3 months ago but it is now an important source of friendship with others who I know can empathise and advise. I hope you find it as good a place to come to as I do !
    Sybylla :)

    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Hi Charlene,

    Welcome to TalkMD and thank you for the open and frank account. Good to have you join us :)

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Welcome. Glad you could join us.

    What about second breakfast?

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kissofdarkness1/

    Posts: 266
    Joined: 01/10/2010
    Re: Hello there , I am new…. from sheffield uk

    Hello Charlene,

    I read your post and was moved by your story. The bravery of people who face a life of progressive disability is seldom recognised by the wider society, but it exists all the same. You are proof of that.

    Considering how big Sheffield is I’m sure you will find other people in your city with whom you can relate. If not then use this TALKMD and similar web-sites, they can offer an important release for your emotions and give you some support in return.

    I have Myotonia Congenita, which is very rare and placed under Muscular Dystrophy for classification purposes only, but I find this site friendly and I’ve gotten some good advice from the people here.

    I hope you enjoy a similar experience.

    Posts: 283
    Joined: 08/09/2010
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