Hello MD in cattle is caused by deficiency

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  • #203139
    Hello MD in cattle is caused by deficiency

    Is there research in humans for selenium deficiency that may be linked to MD in cattle ?

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    Joined: 24/04/2024
    Reply To: Hello MD in cattle is caused by deficiency

    Hello and welcome Polly. I apologise for the delay in replying to you but I have been away. I am not aware of any such link, but I will make enquiries and see what I can find. I do know that for myself and my son it was an hereditary cause. I take it you are not considering the selenium affecting the genetic code though.


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    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
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    Reply To: Hello MD in cattle is caused by deficiency

    Selenium is the protein deficiency/manufacturing error in Rigid Spine Sepn1 MD which comes under the CMD family. (also my MD)

    I believe a Dr in Italy is doing a study on antioxidants in Rigid spine MD and a Boston children’s hospital is did lifestyle surveys couple years back. not heard if they continued research further.

    The deficiency harms the repair of our dna cells and muscles. It is common for rigid spine to be detected after childhood following an accident or illness. We just dont repair that well. But with the right diet, physio we can maintain muscle function longer than some other MDS.

    The Facebook group SELENON/SEPN1/RSMD support group then search Selenium or research etc

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