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  • #120290
    Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    I’m currently on Oxycodone 20mg for chronic back and muscle pain. However, I don’t understand why I’m suffering from chronic pain as its not like I over exert myself and my spinal fusion was a good 18months ago. Just simply existing seems to be painful lazing about the house and moving around etc.

    Can anyone out there please explain where all this intense pain comes from the scientific explanation if you will.



    Posts: 14
    Joined: 16/08/2013
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    after op. phantom pains.

    for the op they basically took your spine apart rumaged about and built some mechano in you.. it will take a wee while for the nerves to settle, or get fed up and shut up.. you will also find you have lost sensation on some areas. skin mostly or if you scratch an area you might feel it someplace else.

    try to keep active to encourage movement and it should settle down no time limits on this…. my pain went fast but had scar pain for years. key tip with MD. never stop moving before you absolutely cant move.

    think about it another way pre opp your spine was bending and compressing on something else.. it will take the brain a time to work out its meant to be this way. it took ages to grow off course but one day to toss some metal in..

    swimming will help.. its a very even physical exercise.

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    not tried oxycodone.

    but was on pregabalin and i needed to take volterol as well..

    it poss means this drug dont have a anti inflammatory or summit else you need.

    its not uncmmon to need to take a combo

    Posts: 1,002
    Joined: 20/09/2010
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    Hi Flynn,
    I am on oxycodone, pregabalin and paracetamol. I still have pain but it’s not as bad as it could be. Could your GP increase the dose or add another drug? Don’t take more than your prescribed dosage without your doctor’s authority though.

    Posts: 383
    Joined: 07/02/2012
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    hiya Flynn, ive never done Oxycodone. but I have taken Cannabis, Codeine, Pregabalin and Nefopam. apart from Cannabis, each gave me bad and some embarrassing side effects. so ive gone back to smoking Cannabis :D


    Posts: 526
    Joined: 04/10/2011
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    ok all I dont quite no were to start…

    my brother id 30 years of age and had spinal fusion done over 10 years ago we live in Liverpool England.. he has ducheene muscular dystrophy, he has suffered with muscle pain in legs and back for the last 12 months and doctors are unsure if its the rods causing the pain or spasms due to the MD, he has had all medication for pain mentioned above plus more and still tremendous pain to the point he has been in bed for the past year using the hoist was awful and so on, as a family we researched and found a drug called sativex mouth spray used with MS sufferers after reading for hours we realized the pain is almost identical to my brother, we approached his pain team got them on board and with there support they got my brother sativex! you need to have all your doctors agree to be able to get it as trials are not approved quite yet in uk for anybody other that MS sufferers.. (i was not going to give up) so now 2 weeks later our hearts cry with happiness my brother is pain free..yes PAIN FREE!!!! even planning days out and about, he uses sativex along side opium based pain relief and together the concoctions work.. more awareness is needed on this symple drug that gets bad feedback all I can say is as a sister to watch my brother suffer is soul destroying then to see him pain free after months of suffering is all my dreams come true please talk to your doctor about it get advice for your own needs but dont rule it out it truly works for my brother x

    wendy walters
    Posts: 0
    Joined: 17/04/2016
    Reply To: Has anyone tried Oxycodone for pain relief?

    hi did you read my post about sativex

    wendy walters
    Posts: 0
    Joined: 17/04/2016
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