GP Commissioning submission to Parliament’s Health Committee

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  • #73258
    GP Commissioning submission to Parliament’s Health Committee

    The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign has formally submitted their concerns regarding the proposed new GP Commissioning system to Parliament’s Health Select Committee, which had requested evidence on the impact of the proposed move to GP Commissioning on patients with rare conditions who require specialised services, as part of an in-depth inquiry. Read the key points from the evidence submission and the memorandum…

    Tell us what you think about the GP Commissioning proposals…

    Posts: 25
    Joined: 15/09/2010
    Re: GP Commissioning submission to Parliament’s Health Commi

    I am anxious about the changes ahead. I am fortunate to have a very supportive GP but until I changed surgery a few years ago this was not the case. I shudder to think the fight I would have on my hands if I still had my old GP. I am not sure that the current system works either, I have been involved in a lot of the politics of funding with my PCT and their inability to listen and understand my condition has been astounding at times. Regarding the proposed commissioning changes, I am hopeful but not yet convinced…

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    sar78 sar78
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    Re: GP Commissioning submission to Parliament’s Health Commi

    @sar78 wrote:

    ….. their inability to listen and understand my condition has been astounding at times.

    There are so many ‘there to help’ organisations who are dreadfully guilty of this, or worse think the only way is their way.

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