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  • #74566
    free Camera remote control for iPhone – genius

    WHY on earth did I not figure this out.

    Not long ago Apple made it possible to have a shutter press button on the phone to take a picture (the sound + up button can be used rather than tapping the screen).

    Not being able to lift my arms and having to hold my phone in my right hand and hold my right arm up with my left – it left me with no free hand to tap the phone or press the sound up button.

    I searched the internet and for ~$50 Belkin had a blue tooth remote (for video and pictures) but only through their App.

    THEN… I discover a blog which said how to do it for free. The answer was so simple I really don’t know why I didn’t see the solution….

    The earphones that come with the phone have a button on for sound up and down!! You just connect the earphones, mount the phone on a tripod or wherever and click the easy click button for sound up! OK so you are tethered to the phone but I can mount the phone and hold the headphone button on my lap to snap away.

    Happy happy happy. Have to rely on autofocus but it’s not a bad fix for free.
    :lol: :D

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: free Camera remote control for iPhone – genius

    Shall we be seeing some amazing slide shows soon?? :P

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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