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  • #74836
    Electric bicycles

    I am interested in knowing people’s views about electric bicycles. I have a manual folding bicycle which, as I have FSH MD, I am struggling to lift into the boot of my car so that I can travel to a flat cycle path. I was thinking of getting a folding electric bike with a view to putting it in the boo and, travelling further afield to have a change of scenery. But I’ve been told they are very heavy to lift into a car boot and also that they can be unreliable. Is it worth buying an electric bike – either a folding one or one that cannot be folded (though this would cause storage problems)? Your views would be much appreciated.

    Posts: 1
    Joined: 08/05/2013
    Re: Electric bicycles

    Ithink the weight on the bike may be a factor, Jaymee. It is bound to be heavier to lift [unless there is one thatcomes apart] into the boot. I am not sure whether the weight of the bike means it will need more energy to pedal as well.

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    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Electric bicycles

    Hello Jaymee,

    My boyfriend has an electric bike [now not usable] and his Mum had an electric trike which is still working.
    I will ask him if the bike is any heavier than an ordinary one and get back to you.
    The battery pack needs to be charged up regularly and you will need to do that indoors so unless you can leave it charging in a garage, it will probably mean you’ll need to take the battery pack off the bike to charge it then put it back again.
    I know he enjoyed using it [he used to cycle to work on it – a journey of 4 or 5 miles up and down hills] but eventually the battery needed to be replaced. Unfortunately, between buying the bike and needing a replacement battery pack [about 2 years later, I think], the manufacturers made a change to the battery pack and a replacement was prohibitively expensive.
    His Mum’s trike is still going strong, though it hasn’t been used so much.


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    Joined: 07/02/2012
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