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  • #78398
    Re: Dual Uses…..

    A long emery board is good for itchy backs. I use pegs to close bags in the freezer.

    Posts: 166
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    Greetings Everyone – Guess this post does come under the heading of “hints and tips”. As a total novice I have only posted the once but do log-in regularly to check up on all you guys! This is a very big THANKYOU really as I was having much difficulty getting out of my car and came across something called a “Handybar” on this site. Such a simple device but it has made an amazing difference to my life and therefore my independence remains in tact! I drive and use a power-chair which is kept in the back of my MPV, manage to “stagger” to the boot and remove the wheelchair with the aid of a hoist. As getting out of the driver’s seat was increasingly difficult I was imagining a WAV was going to be the only option together with huge costs! Not now (for a while at least) with the aid of such a handy little piece of equipment I am absolutely fine. Thankyou to whoever suggested it.

    Posts: 5
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    Re: Re:Handybar

    @maisy wrote:

    Greetings Everyone – Guess this post does come under the heading of “hints and tips”. As a total novice I have only posted the once but do log-in regularly to check up on all you guys! This is a very big THANKYOU really as I was having much difficulty getting out of my car and came across something called a “Handybar” on this site. Such a simple device but it has made an amazing difference to my life and therefore my independence remains in tact! I drive and use a power-chair which is kept in the back of my MPV, manage to “stagger” to the boot and remove the wheelchair with the aid of a hoist. As getting out of the driver’s seat was increasingly difficult I was imagining a WAV was going to be the only option together with huge costs! Not now (for a while at least) with the aid of such a handy little piece of equipment I am absolutely fine. Thankyou to whoever suggested it.

    Happy to help Maisy – so glad you found the device to help you best :D

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    Hairdryer to dry toes or to heat them up :lol:

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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @scooterkitty wrote:

    Hairdryer to dry toes or to heat them up :lol:

    I love this idea :)

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @scooterkitty wrote:

    Hairdryer to dry toes or to heat them up :lol:

    Can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of my family as I ask for a hair dryer for my birthday, an increasingly balding 40 something :D

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    My keyboard punch is also a great telephone dialler.

    Either the push button new ones or the steam powered
    dial ones that we atill have.

    Just tried the hair dryer one.

    Just perfect. Also a lovely burst of warmth on a chilly morning.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Dual Uses…..

    Here is a new aspect / use for a disability item many of
    you will already use.

    This is the REACHER from the Helping Hands Company
    of Ledbury.

    Just bought the latest model because it now has at the tip
    a magnet for picking up metal objects such as keys, paperclips
    etc. What a good idea as I am always dropping things. I did
    get a telecopic magnet thing but with only that one use
    it is never to hand. The eacher is always nearby.

    Also this new “The Classic” reacher has a new much thicker
    handle. For those of us with myotonia / grip problems
    this really does make a difference.

    Bringing people up to spped the Helping Hands Reacher
    incorporates the amazingly efficient / strong “Gripcert”
    gripping tool that is surely the market leader.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Here is a new aspect / use for a disability item many of
    you will already use.

    This is the REACHER from the Helping Hands Company
    of Ledbury.

    I’d never be without one of those. In fact I’d never be without two of those. A second one is useful, because otherwise it’s very annoying when you drop the thing and can’t reach to pick it up.

    [Yes, it sounds like something out of “Chucklevision”, but it has happened to me on not a few occasions.]

    Posts: 564
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    I’ve got one of those “handy grip” i use it to turn my lights on if i’m on my own,

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @taungfox wrote:

    REACHER from the Helping Hands Company
    of Ledbury……… latest model because it now has at the tip
    a magnet for picking up metal objects such as keys, paperclips
    etc. r.

    Sorry, Sorry, Sorry….

    I have given you the wrong information.

    Do not go rushing out to buy the reacher as I am now
    informed that the earlier models also have the magnet

    The difference is that the new model has a big label of
    a magnet with arrows pointing to it. My old one had it but
    I just did not realise it was there.

    No complainmt from me though, as others have said it
    is superb to have one of these in every room.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    A couple of things:

    Heartline T shirt – used as a T shirt and I pop things down the top to hold between cleavage like the TV remote so I can reach it. Likewise, I use my skirt as a pouch and hold all. Not for public dual use though!!

    Shoehorn as a toilet roll holder/wipe stick which has a hair-elastic thing as a wrist strap so it doesn’t fall down the loo!

    Decking plank and wood blocks – step to raise legs for using toilets that are high for my little legs (not exactly dual use but sort of).

    Tea towel – dries dishes at night and useful as padding earlier in the day for my legs (worked well on holiday when doing a lot of sitting/traveling!!).

    Chopstick – again not used so much as a chopstick more as a reach/poke / itch device.

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @criptic wrote:

    A couple of things:

    Heartline T shirt – used as a T shirt and I pop things down the top to hold between cleavage like the TV remote so I can reach it. Likewise, I use my skirt as a pouch and hold all. Not for public dual use though!!

    Shoehorn as a toilet roll holder/wipe stick which has a hair-elastic thing as a wrist strap so it doesn’t fall down the loo!

    Decking plank and wood blocks – step to raise legs for using toilets that are high for my little legs (not exactly dual use but sort of).

    Tea towel – dries dishes at night and useful as padding earlier in the day for my legs (worked well on holiday when doing a lot of sitting/traveling!!).

    Chopstick – again not used so much as a chopstick more as a reach/poke / itch device.

    Lots of ideas there! I used to use a chopstick for similar uses and also for doing jigsaw puzzles. I drove my family mad with my reaching/moving/placing pieces stick thing. Quite a skill to get a piece up and over the puzzle border and in place – I got quite good at tiddywinks type manoevres lol

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Quite a skill to get a piece up and over the puzzle border and in place – I got quite good at tiddywinks type manoevres lol

    Tee he – where there’s a will there’s a way.

    My latest home made thing has given hubby the challenge of turning a bath lift from e-bay into a foot stool that will raise up and down which I am sure will get used for many a task other than being a stool as it will raise slightly above seat height …

    Posts: 307
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    Re: Dual Uses….. rubber band

    :idea: :idea: If you have bother opening soft drink/water bottles, rap an rubber band around the lid snuggly. then hay presto easily turned and opened. cheap as chips and totaly portable. :idea: :idea:

    can you hear that… thats the sound of half a doozen bottle opening gadgets going in the bin. if I could just find a better can opener… :geek:

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    Re: Dual Uses….. sticky tape

    roll up a bit of tape (sticky side out) and stick to bottom of walking stick. hey presto you can now pick up the pesky bit of paper thats been evading you all week.


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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    We are an innovative bunch 8-)

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    I use a nail file as a “reacher” to switch plug sockets on/off….a keyring on the zip of my purse to open and close it faster.

    I WISH they had venus razors with a long handle extention so I could reach the bottom of my legs! I haven’t figured out how to adapt mine :( any tips?

    Posts: 69
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    Keyring on zip of purse is a must for me and a sparkley accessory too lol

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Dual Uses…..

    @sar78 wrote:

    Keyring on zip of purse is a must for me and a sparkley accessory too lol

    Oh yes, on a sports bag I used to thread a hair band through to whip the zip across. But what girl doesn’t want sparkly accessories :P

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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