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  • #75643
    Direct payments for care advice

    Hello all,

    I am about to embark on the journey down the road of direct payments.
    I have no previous experience of this so i’m a little nervous.
    I’ve read the websites available but they don’t go into much depth.

    Please could anyone who’s had experience of this give me some advice?
    I have had carers in the past which was a disaster but that was organised through social services.

    Does anyone know what sort of social activities i can pay for? and how that works?
    What type of hotel breaks/ respite breaks it can be used for and how?

    I would really like to get out & about more as I’ve become worse my world has shrunk but I’m only 44 and i would like to live not just survive.
    I’ve been quite depressed because of my limitations, it will be easier when i get my wheelchair , so i’d like to make the best of

    Also does anyone know if i can claim for or be paid for being my daughters carer even though I will get care myself?
    She has the same condition but hasn’t progressed as far as myself but i she will be entitled to care in her own right.
    Obviously i wouldn’t be doing the manual stuff but the ‘ watching’ and keeping safe and the light duties ie fetching medication, driving around.
    How would that work lol! Do have a PA each with us or share one? Can i care fir her but someone cares for me?

    Any knowledge would be helpful.

    Many thanks, Michelle

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Direct payments for care advice

    What you can and can’t pay for depends on your local authority I think. With mine I use it to pay for tickets for the carer if we are going to concerts or cinema etc. I could not pay a relative to provide my care, you can’t pay for holidays or hotel accommodation either, only the wages of carers going.

    The best thing would be to ask your social worker who is helping set up the direct payments. Also in case your not aware if you will be employing staff privately and not through an agency then you need to register with HMRC as an employer as you will be responsible for your employees tax and N.I as well as paying minimum wage etc

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Direct payments for care advice

    Thank you Vicki!
    I will ask my social work too but i want to be forearmed as they are sometimes economical with the truth.
    I will probably go down the Employer route as i’ll have mure control over who & what care i get.

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Direct payments for care advice

    If you need help with employer related issues give me a shout, I’ve been doing it for quite a few years now and may be able to help.

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Direct payments for care advice


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    Joined: 09/12/2010
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