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  • #74260
    Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    Disabled people are helped with their Council Tax through the disabled band reduction scheme. This makes sure disabled people don’t pay more Council Tax because they needed a larger property due to their disability.

    Disabled band reduction scheme :-

    Good old DWP.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    Owwww, never heard of that ….. but it is getting danerously close to a ‘common sense’ policy!

    Nice find Taung

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    This has been around for a while now – my Mum and Dad got a different banding when I was living with them. It isn’t publicised much though – funny that!!

    Thanks to Taungfox everyone here will be aware of it now :D

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    New one on me too.

    Really cheered me up to find it.

    This could be vital in the decision for people like me struggling with the
    impossible decision of when is the right time to move or not to move.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    rules are tricky to claim this. you dont get it just because you are under occupied.

    you can get it if you require an extra room for a carer or for medical equipment like dialisis etc. you dont get it for rooms they class as standard ie living room, bedroom as everyone needs this. you also qualify if you have extensive adaptation done to your home ie every door made wider, wet rooms track hoist, 2 bedrooms made into one for wheelie space, sockets raised, switches lowered, lowered kitchen cabnets etc. you have to basicaly to prove that all your disabled gear has reduced the livabilty and saleability of your home.

    I am hoping that i will be able to claim a reduction once i have my platform lift and wetroom extension.

    Not sure if this would be classed as a Council Tax Appeal. if so to claim a reduction you need to live in a property less than 6 months to appeal your council tax band if you think its too high. If building work is done to a property that would mean the band going up to the next level A to B, it doesnt take affect till the property is sold. This band down reduction may only apply to a new property you are moving into not your current property as the band would not go up due to building work till it was sold.

    with my luck the assessor would revalue my house up the way rather than down to reflect the buiding work. :?

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    @sar78 wrote:

    This has been around for a while now – my Mum and Dad got a different banding when I was living with them. It isn’t publicised much though – funny that!!

    Yes, we’ve had this for quite a few years now. Can’t remember how long ago it was, but the then social care OT who was on my case encouraged us to apply for it. Every so often someone from the council comes round and checks that the property is still eligible…

    Posts: 564
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    @petered wrote:

    @sar78 wrote:

    This has been around for a while now – my Mum and Dad got a different banding when I was living with them. It isn’t publicised much though – funny that!!

    Yes, we’ve had this for quite a few years now. Can’t remember how long ago it was, but the then social care OT who was on my case encouraged us to apply for it. Every so often someone from the council comes round and checks that the property is still eligible…

    hi, what do they ask or want to look at when the come out.

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    @catatude wrote:

    hi, what do they ask or want to look at when the come out.

    Basically they check to see whether the statutory requirements for the relief are met, which means:

    “In summary, the requirements for a reduction are the property must be the main residence of at least one disabled person. It must also have at least one of:
    an additional bathroom or kitchen required to meet the needs of the disabled person
    a room (other than a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) required to meet the needs of the disabled person, and used predominantly by them
    extra space inside the property to allow for the use of a wheelchair – wheelchairs for outdoor use only are excluded
    The room or the wheelchair must also be of major importance to the disabled person’s well-being, due to the extent of their disability.”

    I can’t help but wonder how long this will survive the ConDem cuts… I’m very cynical, as you know.

    Posts: 564
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    I enquired about this when I was granted DLA and whilst I was on long term sick leave and was told it only applies it you have had your home adapted due to your condition or have a live in carer. I have my bathroom adapted so I can have a bath without someone helping me and also have the local parking changed but that that was deemed in sufficient.

    None of these exceptions are widely broadcast so no wonder people who are disabled give up rather than fight to get assistance.

    Different rules may apply south of the border.

    Good luck in finding a way to receive the reduction.


    Posts: 267
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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    Nice post. i have very impressed to see this post. i have benefited from the information you give. nice work keep it up.

    Posts: 1
    Joined: 21/07/2012
    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    Council tax reduction…… I didn’t know about this…. not that we would qualify…. seems stupid to me that a disabled person has to meet so many criterias ……. they should qualify without you have to have this and that…… I’ve been caring for my partner ( who I love so much) who has Limb Girdle MD for over 20years every time we need some help it is so stressful….. and to be told our bungalow (private rent) is to big for us (3 bed)…… when we needed help with housing benefit and council tax this was there excuse as to why we didn’t qualify for much (two people don’t need a 3 bed)….. would they take into consideration he is disabled and we need a bungalow….. no….. so when we were offered 37 pence a week towards out council tax….. I think you can guess where I told them to sick it…… :o

    No doubt we will have to go down this road again in the future, but I am ready for them now…… ;)

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    Re: Council Tax reduction for disabled people..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Disabled people are helped with their Council Tax through the disabled band reduction scheme. This makes sure disabled people don’t pay more Council Tax because they needed a larger property due to their disability.
    Disabled band reduction scheme :- click here
    Good old DWP.

    This is actually fair! I heard of this before but I thought it is a rumor! now it is true and I’m happy with it

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