Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

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  • #73213
    Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    Newspaper reports today have suggested that government ministers will be pushing forward radical reforms to welfare benefits and adopting a “universal benefit”.

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    Posts: 25
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    Re: Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    This is indeed worrying. The majority of ethos with benefits is that they are a short term stop gap assistance until a) find work b) recover from ‘temporary’ illness. The great difficulty is that when work is found tax credits have to be claimed [which is a benefit by another name]. The cost of living is impossible to be met by the national minimum wage or the majority of low paid earners, there are gaps and cracks millions of people are faling into.

    For the severely disabled [and their carers] there is no alternative income source, we don’t come with an insurance payout or a pension, the amount of benefits in whatever guise, creed or name have to meet a liveable height, BUT the criteria is such that in trying to deter the fraudster you also confuse the genuinely needy.

    I receive Incapacity Benefit [ESA as it is now] and DLA – that is it. I also received a small [and I mean miniscule] occupational pension from work. I manage only because my inheritance cleared my mortgage. I only just manage.

    Whilst I appreciate cuts have to be made and spending has to be curbed, I also know I can’t afford them.

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    Re: Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    I too find this worrying as without sounding hard done by the disabled seem to be being “victimised” by Government in their cuts and by the tabloid press by portraying us as lazy scroungers sponging off the state.

    Only today a report has come out that the Government are looking at scrapping the Independent Living Fund it was only recently that applications were stopped for 2010/11 and the application criteria change. According to the article the responsibility that was ILF would be passed to local authorities, wonderful as if local government is strapped for cash already!!

    Now central government want to streamline the benefits system by having a “universal benefit system” where by those who are jobseekers would get the same level of benefit as someone who is unable to work due to disability, how is that fair?

    I do at times feel a bit of a fraud moaning about what the government propose. I am lucky in the benefits I receive I get more than most. These cuts worry me as my life at the moment runs smoothly, I am able to have care how I want, I’m able to go out when I like. If these proposed cuts were to go ahead I am suddenly going to find myself existing rather than living.

    I do make a joke about if these cuts happen we could all be back in care homes or living with parents but deep down and at the back of my mind this for me is a genuine worry ( woe be tied the care home that ends up with me, they won’t know whats hit em!! :lol: )

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    Vicki, I share your concerns. I feel lucky compared to some with what I get benefit-wise but I don’t get to save hardly any, just tick by. If anything was reduced I am not sure I could afford to live where I do.. And like you said, if ILF withdraw I would have to take a step backwards in terms of my level of independence and arranging my own care.

    I will await more specific details of reform with apprehension…

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    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    Worrying indeed. The I.L.F. was the only thing that enabled my mother to remain in her own home. I am sure in
    a care home her life would have been much shorter.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Concerns raised over ‘universal benefit’ system

    In some respect I can sort of understand what they are trying to look into, it is not so much the cost of the cash going to the person in need, it is the cost of administration, the cost of resourcing, the cost of getting the cash to the person – there is the area that needs looking into. BUT not from the front line gunts who actualy ‘do’ the work but higher up and there after. Like the NHS and other Governent Departments, too many chiefs and not enough indians.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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