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  • #94730
    Re: Claiming PIP

    :Post: :Post:

    Bravo on reaching 500 :mrgreen:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Claiming PIP

    :yes: Well done! Woogy,Woofy woody woo! Lol!

    Now how many of those posts mention IDS? DWP? & Daddy Pig Mr Cameron?
    I wish someone had of recorded said daddy pig at his face to face lmao! :shock:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    So… I have been awarded the Standard daily rate of care ( which I have had since my twenties) ‘NO’ mobility allowance even though I now use an electric wheelchair. ( I was on low mobility)
    I am totally disgusted and dismayed! I have gotten worse over the years and will progressvly get worse.
    The council is looking at adapting my home with a stairlift, wheelchair access, new paths, Wet room, specialist toilet etc…
    Do they count a wheelchair as an aid to walking so that I don not require mobility allowance?

    I will be seeking a mandatory reconsidoration.

    This system Stinks!!!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    The system is getting more twisted! Contact our Advocavy people, they will be pleased to help you :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I am livid. What a bunch of :Angry: :Angry: :Angry: :Angry: :Angry:

    :bang: :bang: :bang:

    Really sorry Shelly. It’s inconceivable.

    I, Disabled Bloke
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I have contacted Maddy at the advocacy services.
    She said that unfortunately this is all to common.
    I asked a lawyer friend how to change these flawed decisions and processes and they agreed with me that they wouldn’t stand up in a court of law.
    What we need to do to change is a ‘class action’ enough of us to get together and stand up citing our poor treatment and how the system is flawed to request a Judicial Review!

    I’m just so down ‘ fed up.
    I will be house bound, I won’t be able to afford to run my car nevermind get my wheelchair in it.
    M ; (

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    It is terrible how so many of us are forced to suffer these stupid decisions. I am so pleased you got in touch with Maddy, she’s got awesome muscles she flexes at these idiots ;) hopefully your award will be reassessed and upgraded quickly :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Claiming PIP

    A wheelchair is seen as an appliance to mobility that you can use your own arms to propel (or a motor) so you lose.. this in turn with ‘can you lift and move a 1.5ltr of liquid’ and ‘can you use a telephone keypad’ has just put you behind a till in Tesco.

    People with weakened muscles that suffer burnout from over exertion are a danger to themselves and others if they fall whilst forcing themselves past their natural mobility limits, it’s so easy for us to forget how weak we actually are seeing as we’ve become used to it over many years.

    Posts: 44
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    :x Hi peeps, A little update for you & its not good!

    Through all of this debacle I have been told ‘ its ok your DLA will continue until PIP starts at the end of Oct’
    Well theyve lied! I was repeatedly told that my DLA would be paid (due a few days ago) then it woukd be till Oct 28, it woukd then revert to PIP which is paid every 3 weeks.
    Now I was on the miidle rate care & low rate mobility which has been re-awarded for PIP to standard rate care & NO moblity.

    Heres the rub, they have not paid me my DLA as they promised it seems that they have applied the down rating for the PIP to my DLA, so backdating the downrating to when I was sent the paperwork for PIP ( June). Meaning that I owe over payment which theyve seemigly taken from my DLA without so nuch as a letter! So NO kast DLA payment.
    How can they do that? Firstly telling me one thing then doing another not having the courtesy to explain it in a letter either?!
    How can they apply the application and subsequent award for one benefit to another? They cant backdate it for uprating purposes ie if they would owe us money but the seem to for downrating?!!
    I’m just so fed up with this pike of S***! Aaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :bang: :bang: :bang:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    ShellyBear – my jaw has cracked the floor. If they did not tell you that a change in your award could be backdated, then they have misdirected [and misadviced] you and that is a big no-no, they are in the wrong. They made it clear that what ever the reassessment was it would take effect from the beginning of the DLA. However, as a benefit processor I can see why they would treat the PIP as a DLA reassessment and backdate it, but they should have told you that that could happen. Yes they are two benefits but really they are one and the same, hence why information gives to one has potential to affect the other. It is all to do with the switch over.

    Overpayments are supposed to write explaining how much is owed and what steps have been taken to recover it. But I am hardly surprised you have not received anything, they always were in chaos and no doubt the volume of work has mega-truppled and things like keeping people informed has been ignored, forgotten and just plain not bothered with.

    Keep a detailed time line of what you were paid and when, which rates were paid. If you need some help we can fix a time for a web chat if you like.

    Keep another detailed time line of what information you receive and when and you should receive letters detailing the new award, the dates from which they take place and amounts paid.

    Get back in touch with Advocacy, pronto. This needs pouncing upon because you have been misinformed, as well as wrongly assessed.

    It is disgusting that genuine people are being put through this horror.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    This is just so incorrect and unfair.

    Everything about it.

    Backrating is awful as is the continual testing of people with progressive conditions.

    Sorry you have this awful stress.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Appalling lack of communication – a complaint should be made to DWP. Sadly, I am not surprised either :(

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    The more I think about this the more wrong it is both legally and morally.

    They only got rid of our lifetime awards by saying they were abolishing DLA and that
    PIP was a new benefit we would be invited to reapply for. How can they backdate this
    downgrading / downgrading to before you are awarded the new PIP, in fact to
    even before you apply for it. From when they send out the forms is ridiculous.

    Like the IB to ESA migration. I received the forms last June, sent them in was assessed and the
    New ESA started on October the first. It should be like this!

    Totally unfair!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Thank you All!

    I agree this is totally unfair but what can be done? It seems that it’s one rule for them but another for everything and everyone else!
    It’s like trying to walk when one can’t through thick black sticky crud!


    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    After 3 phone calls ( which we have to pay for!). to PIP & DLA being passed back & forth , they don’t know what they’re doing! Then I get s jobs worthy hurler who does know what they’re talking about but doesn’t listen & treats me like I’m an idiot & it’s all my mix up! Pah!
    It turns out that they are paying be my DLA upto the date that my PIP starts but they didn’t say that in the award letter, the payment is delayed, so how was I to know if I hadn’t persisted in calling?
    It’s a shambles !
    I’m posting all of this as a vent to my frustration but also so the rest of you who are yet to experience this have a little more insight into what it’s really like.
    I have asked them to explain to me if using an electric wheelchair is classed as an aid ? so that I would not be entitled to mobility allowance?
    They are going to get a case manager to call me back to explain. We’ll see!
    I won’t hold my breath! :Angry:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Wow! The case manager called me back this afternoon.
    She helped cheat up the ‘is a wheelchair classed as an aid question?’ It isn’t .

    She again tried to start off my mandatory reconsideration which I declined as I ‘m not ready yet!
    But she was a little confused at first as to which letter & therefore date counted as my start date for reconsideration as I had been sent two almost indebtucal letters two weeks apart detailing my award . Neither of which explained what was to happen to the remainder of my DLA.
    At least that’s all cleared up now, it was as clear as mud and she had to read the letters a couple of times to understand what was going on. :roll:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Hey Shelly I’m really pleased that they have excluded wheelchairs as mobility aids because I was told the opposite whilst claiming ESA, but I guess it could be different with PIP? Good news anyway and thanks for the updates

    Posts: 44
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    The wheelchair/aid conundrum has been going around my mind because, some use their mobility component to pay for their wheelchair/insurance/maintenance costs, take away the mobility component and they become more disabled, which is counter intuitive to the purpose of the benefit. But that if me stoopidly applying logic to IDS philosophy.

    Glad you have had someone call you back, keep notes with dates and times :yes: I still say you were misadvised by the others about how your assessment would be handled, plus you have been incorrectly accessed.

    Small step forward, let’s hope it becomes a trend.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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