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  • #94710
    Re: Claiming PIP

    Oh No!!

    DLA / PIP coming round again.

    This is torture!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Unfortunately! They’re doing my area at the moment, West Midlands.

    Get your evidence up to scratch now!

    Posts: 364
    Joined: 09/12/2010
    Re: Claiming PIP

    Well Folks I won’t be needing to chat on here anymore as I am apparently cured!!!!

    I asked for a copy of the assessment forms filled out at my face to face & it’s a pile of S***!!!!
    Apparently I don’t need help doing anything g just an aid & because I opened the front door myself ( 4mtrs) but sat in my wheelchair the rest of the time I can walk!!!
    This is just an excercise in pushing people off benefits & over a cliff!

    I’m so angry & upset with what that person has written that I actually feel violated as he wrote that crap in my home!!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I’m going to make a formal complaint! He even put that my bathroom is upstairs! Which it isn’t!!!
    He asked how many bedrooms I have but didn’t put that I have been advised to sleep downstairs & that I’m waiting for a stairlift to be installed & level access bathroom?!
    It’s a joke!
    God help you all is all I can say!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Shellybear, this is horrendous and I’m so glad you’re making a complaint. This sort of thing has got to stop. I really feel for you :cry:

    He has lied about things, not on and it hope it doesn’t take you too long to rectify this. The Advocacy team at MDUK or your local CAB are there if you need ’em.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    @shellybear wrote:

    Well Folks I won’t be needing to chat on here anymore as I am apparently cured!!!!
    I asked for a copy of the assessment forms filled out at my face to face & it’s a pile of S***!!!!
    Apparently I don’t need help doing anything g just an aid & because I opened the front door myself ( 4mtrs) but sat in my wheelchair the rest of the time I can walk!!!
    This is just an excercise in pushing people off benefits & over a cliff!
    I’m so angry & upset with what that person has written that I actually feel violated as he wrote that crap in my home!!

    This is just awful.

    Sorry you have this worry. So totally unfair and galling!

    This is what many are finding, that they are just allowed to assume that you
    have a gadget or helper. Just motivated by by saving money and greed by
    picking on the weak and vulnerable.

    The “pushing people off benefits and over a cliff” quote, is brave, memorable and
    sadly so very true. It should be a mantra for any campaign to right this wrong.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
    Joined: 27/09/2010
    Re: Claiming PIP

    Sadly I’m not surprised at this. It’s best that you’re always accompanied at assessments if possible. I must say I’m extremely shocked that they’ve chosen this decision for a MD sufferer. Have you asked for a mandatory reconsideration? Don’t give up as you’ll have to fight a little to get your entitlement. It’s their job to get you off benefits (hate that word) but you can get it reversed, hopefully. Keep us informed. I’m expecting my form in about 2 weeks for my changeover. This site has been invaluable for me:

    Posts: 44
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Can you contact our Advocacy People at MD? They and trailblazers would love to have this ammunition for reminding the Government they are failing in their duty of care.

    I am more than disgusted for you, this person has made so many mistakes and ignored the obvious. I like Launton’s idea of having a third party there when being assessed :yes:

    The link to the Advocacy page on the main site is HERE

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Hi All,
    I haven’t actually had the decision yet, just the report which I had to ask for, which I think is wrong as its a statement that I am supposedly agreeing to yet I don’t get to see it unless I ask. This should be mandatory!
    I need to reply to the report correcting it & send in the info again before they do make the decision.
    I would have had someone with me but as I only had a couple of days notice of the appointment everyone was busy.
    I am so glad that I asked to see the assessment report as there are so many factual errors from wrong dates to evidence which I sent in not included in the list.
    Then there is his opinion on the information I gave him verbally , he is basically calling me a liar!
    Well he should know better than my Professor Neurologist and all of my OT’s etc.. as he’s a fabulously qualified Adult Nurse & Capita Assesor!!! Lmao!
    He basically said that if I had aids for this & aids for that , which amazing inventions he’s referring to I don’t know,then I would be ok to doing everything?!
    I am not actually diagnosed with MD but similar, Andersen Tawil Syndrome with Myoparhy & Poly-Neuropathy, I have the same symptoms but for different reasons.
    This moron even stated that I had no Cardio issues so didn’t feel it in even though I told him that I have arythmia/palpitations which is part of my diagnosis & Andersen Tawil.
    I am just so annoyed that even if I do get the highest awards I am still going to complain.
    How can someone who gets such basic information wrong be allowed to do these assessments let alone on someone with a complex and rare condition? I’ll let you know how it goes. :bite:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    It does not exactly inspire faith in their abilities and standards.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I’ve spoken to clinical specialist nurse ( muscle channel) Natalie James at the NHNN & she is going going to write a letter of support to the lovely DWP people.
    She was bemoaning of them saying that she was so used to arguing with them , explaining conditions like mine, so she has a template letter ready to adapt.
    She seemed very clued up so hopefully it will count for something.
    She will try to get it to me this week, I did try prior to my assessment to get in touch but unfortunately she was on holiday.
    Fingers crossed.

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I am so sorry I’m too late with this advice Shelly but, I would of told you to record this assessment if I’d of read you was having it before. And I urge anybody that may be due to have an assessment to do the same.

    My Wife & I have recently had somebody here, at our home, from ATOS on behalf of the DWP. I’ve since seen the assessor’s report & it reads quite differently to the things we told the ex-paramedic they sent.

    An ex-paramedic is not a suitable level of qualification to supersede a doctor & their clinical diagnosis of debilitating symptoms, evidence of which we supplied. You should not be subjected to a little grip of the hands & a few questions in order to establish obvious & well documented chronic mobility & daily living issues.

    Despite the overwhelming physical evidence we’re now in the midst of a mandatory reconsideration, something we had to apply for in writing as the people on the phone at the DWP initially refuted our right to appeal claiming that we didn’t have grounds. They will do all they can to dissuade you over the phone.

    In the letter I stated that we’d rather have another assessment at home & this time we’ll have it recorded for audio & visual so there’s no further attempt to undermine our integrity. It’s either that or we have to start with the tribunals of which we’re already going through with the claims for ESA, should the mandatory reconsideration not find in our favour.

    I urge you, if they don’t give you the award you’re expecting, demand a copy of the assessor’s report immediately (ours took six days to arrive) & then write to demand a mandatory reconsideration highlighting each point raised in turn that you feel is wrong, as it’s laid out in the report. And send it recorded ;-).

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
    Re: Claiming PIP

    I know woogy.
    I would have recorded it but the rules state that if you do you must request permission from the Assesor and also give them a copy at the end, I don’t have the equipment to do that.
    They haven’t given me a decision yet so I can’t yet request a Manditory Reconsideration, though if I dong get the Highest awards I will Persue one.
    The guy lied, misquoted and made wildly subjective assumptions so I will write out all which I don’t agree with in the report.
    I asked for a copy of the report the day after the assessment & took two weeks to get it. They are in the process of making the decision.
    I have enough to cope with without all of this crap! ; (

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Well I’ve just called them again to let them know that I am sending my evidence again & more so don’t make your decision yet but…they have! Swines! After clearly telling that there has been a total misrepresentation of the facts they go ahead without hearing my side.
    I have an award but I don’t know what it is so I will have to wait till the letter arrived & see. I am going to make a complaint no matter what the award is.
    What did they end up awarding you Woogy if you don’t mind me asking?
    I was on middle rate care & lower mobility with an indefinite award since my twenties. Several years ago I asked them to reasses it & they first took it away then gave me it back again on appeal?! But they didn’t higher it even though at the appeal I couldn’t walk a step & Eason a wheelchair!
    Honestly this stuff couldn’t be made up!
    Good luck with your appeal Woogy
    ( I keep writing Woofy lol!)

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    The biggest difference between PIP and DLA is the awards, DLA has lower higher Mobility and lower middle higher Care components. Where as with PIP there are just lower and higher of both components, sneaky way to save money.

    When you get your award notice, make contact with MD’s advocacy people, I am sure they can help with any complaints and appeals.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Yep! I will, thanks for all your support.
    Now I’m off to comfort eat & have a drink to drown my sorrows ; (

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I would have recorded it but the rules state that if you do you must request permission from the Assessor and also give them a copy at the end, I don’t have the equipment to do that.

    I had not seen those terms & conditions but, I have suggested they come here again (to our home) & the next time the session will be recorded. I have a Logitech webcam & the webcam software suite allows you to record video or take pictures from your webcam on your desktop/laptop & that’s what I will do but, there’s no way they can take a copy away with them, I’d have to forward it to them.

    I was awarded the higher rate mobility component & the middle rate care of DLA for life after a medical (yes, a medical – I actually saw a doctor) in 1998 & despite having a specialist as well as a regular GP to corroborate my clinical diagnosis which was originally confirmed by a muscle biopsy, we still have to go through this charade.

    To say the assessor had embellished a little on what we can & can’t do is an understatement. It reads like a work of fiction compared to the information we volunteered. Her report is riddled with a’s & b’s where as it should read with lots of d’s & e’s. I have stated that if we do have to see somebody again we will not entertain the same person as they will be given short shrift at the front door.

    Although here I tend to give the government & the DWP both barrels I’m acutely aware they sneakily monitor peoples fiendbook & social media accounts & I wouldn’t put it past them monitoring us/you/me here. So, whilst we’re in the midst of a mandatory reconsideration & a lower tier tribunal waiting to progress to the higher tier, it may be prudent if I try to reign it in (YES ! This has been passive me :lol: )… which is incredibly hard.

    PS I’m barking each time I read ‘Woogy’ now, if it makes you feel better :rollover:

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
    Re: Claiming PIP

    Yeah Woogy ( ruff!)
    I looked it up because I wanted to record it on my iPad, I down loaded an app but you can’t without permission or it voids your claim. I don’t think that you can video it either, assesors are not allowed to be filmed & remain annonoumous so I’ve read somewhere.
    One of my main complaints is why don’t they automatically give everyone a copy of their assessment so they can agree or disagree with it before they make their decision? Everywhere else in life if a statement is made in ‘ones own words’ then you get to read it & sign to say that you agree with what’s written, if not you amend or don’t sign. This is after all a legal representation which has criminal consequences if it’s misleading or untrue.

    It’s one rule for them & another for the rest of us.

    Does anyone know if they’ve been challenged on this point?

    It is absurd that you have to wait until a decision is made based on inaccurate & sometimes totally false statements then appeal!
    Surely if only for pure accuracy reasons claimants should be able to read what has been is to be submitted in advance.
    There are other points which concern the way these assessments are structured which worry me too but I would need a whole page & my thinking about it worsens my palpitations!!!

    Grrrr! Mx

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Right, I’ve found this out & it’s the official DWP policy. However, it seems it depends on whether you’re being assessed by Capita, who apparently are more likely to consent, or ATOS (who we are unfortunately under):

    “The recording of face-to-face consultations by the assessment providers is not currently part of
    the specification for PIP. Claimants may use their own equipment to record their consultation if
    they wish to, but they must be able to provide a complete and accurate copy of the recording
    to the health professional at the end of the consultation. Acceptable formats are restricted to
    CD and audio cassette only, and claimants should inform assessment providers in advance if
    they wish to use their own recording equipment.”

    So, I am very capable of recording in MP3 & ripping it to a CD but, that would mean keeping said assessor hanging around whilst I did that & I wouldn’t want to keep them in my home any longer than is absolutely necessary. However, most people being assessed are not likely to be able to do what I can on a PC, tablet etc; but, more importantly, most people are forced to travel to appointments & don’t have assessments at home & who carries around cassette recorders or cd-r’s ? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a portable cd-r.

    They’re just throwing up obstacles at every turn.

    I’ve read that they’re allowed to record sessions, from time to time, for quality standards but, you’re not automatically allowed. BULLPLOP ! Where are our rights ? Why am I asking :bang:

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
    Re: Claiming PIP

    Ah, this is clearer

    Totally unacceptable that you can’t use a PC or MP3. It is the 21st century & cassettes (if you can find them) are likely to deteriorate & cd’s can be damaged. MP3 files can obviously be corrupted but, you can store so many back up copies on multiple devices & in the cloud… it would be easier to record it in MP3 format & give a £2 8GB USB memory stick over as their copy of the evidence.

    And the choker is right at the bottom “the DWP do not use it (the recording) when deciding on your entitlement and award of PIP”. If the recording is a document of what’s said, what’s the difference ?

    The difference is, if you’ve documented what’s said & they know it & also have a copy then they can’t misinterpret the information supplied & effectively the DWP are hearing it straight from the horses mouth without the need for an assessor to embellish their findings.

    They are simply removing any & every legal entitlement of protection from this farce. It’s all skewed to favour the DWP & not the claimant.

    PS Yay ! I’ve just realised I’ve past the 500 hundred post mark :wave:

    I, Disabled Bloke
    Posts: 540
    Joined: 29/10/2010
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