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  • #75371
    Claiming PIP

    Hi ,

    I was just wondering has anyone successfully claimed PIP… I have sent off for the forms but to be honest I feel like a fraud…. I am not sure I should claim it… I have Myotonic Dystrophy DM1 with 1st stage heart block … i walk… but slowly and a great deal of pain…. although my feet drag and i fall down alot especially down steps and stairs and the flat…. barely sleep as I have severe cramping pains and my leg muscles continue to spasm… I struggle to safely may aa cup of tea and can really cook a meal as I have bad spasms alot of the time….

    Anyone got any advice as to what to do…..

    Posts: 7
    Joined: 04/09/2014
    Re: Claiming PIP

    If in doubt, claim it, the worst that will happen is you’ll get turned down, best thing that could happen you will receive it. If your unsure about how to fill the forms in you could always give the advocacy service a ring they would be happy to help.

    Posts: 1,015
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Goodness, it sounds like you need and deserve it.

    Vicki is right, go ahead and claim. Give them as many details as possible.

    Another reason to claim now is the figures released today by the DWP. It turns out
    there is a backlog of hundreds of thousands of applications and the average wait is
    over six months. This means most will have a long wait to be seen but any award would be backdated
    to the application date. It is likely to be a time before your application is dealt with
    so all the more reason for people with progressive conditions to apply quickly.

    Good luck.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Claim it! I feel the same. Waited over 6 months and just had a home assessment. The assessor was really great. It surprised me. Give it a go. And no, you are not a fraud. You describe very real disabilities and they make life hard. You describe myotonic dystrophy and that is a disability- for which PiP is for. Claim.

    Posts: 126
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Hi, just to let you all know… i did pluck up the courage toapply on in april 2015, i had an assessmentt at the Notingham assessment centre in May and just got the ward through a week ago… I got high rate daily living and High rate mobility… so very quick really… Thank you for all your help:) xx

    Posts: 7
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Thanks for letting us know your good news! I’m very pleased for you. You see, you are NOT a fraud!

    Sybylla 8-)

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    Re: Claiming PIP


    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Great news :)

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Well Done!

    Hope it makes your life easier!

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    I’m glad to hear that the help is there when someone needs it!

    Posts: 126
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Yep well done! Nick

    After reading your posts, I have plucked up the courage to fill in my PIP forms, i’ve been putting it off for weeks.
    Its really not that bad, well not as bad as I’d worked up in my head, all the horror stories had scared me to death!
    It was easier than the DLA forms.
    Difficulties will come with the decision I suppose?
    I’m staying hopeful though, fingers crossed! ; )

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    ShellyBear, be sure and keep a copy. I scan my forms onto my computer so I can refer back to them and when there is a review I can use it as a bench mark :yes:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Will do!
    They asked me did I want them to use information / medical evidence from my DLA claim? I said yes but that I would be providing more, they sent me a letter saying that they didn’t hold any as its all been deleted!!!
    Bloody charming! Why did I expect any different! Stupid me!
    If they turn me down wont need to post it you will all hear my screams from Stratford upon Avon! Lol!
    M ; )

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    LOL – yes the weeding process of older claims does tend to throw out the needed *rolleyes*

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Hi All, I had my assessment at home on Monday.
    It was done by a tricksy young male nurse who must of just qualified! or am I just getting older lol!
    He did repeat questions over & over trying to catch me out, not this Wiley old bird! but who knows!
    He even had to ask would I describe my chariot as an electric chair? manual chair or scooter?
    At least he didn’t put me through the physical as he said that he didn’t think I could do it.
    So lets see how it go’s nothing is certain with these claims. M fingers crossed!

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    Re: Claiming PIP


    I hope all goes well :yes:

    At least he acknowledged you couldn’t complete the physical element. Do you think he was trying to make you feel that you were not entitled or that he thought you were exaggerating in order to qualify? There does seem to be an air of “you’re not entitled, stop trying to lie” attitude with claims these days, as of everyone is on the con and there are no such things as genuine cases.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Yes thats exactly how he was making me feel! even though I’ve sent in loads of evidence from every kind of Health professional and department.
    I forgot to tell him about one of my medications.
    I was a bit fed up with him as at one point I asked ” I hope that you get what I am trying to explain” and he replied “oh I am writing it down in your own words” but could just not be so as I spoke so much and he wrote so little.
    So it depends on which words of mine he chose?,
    One thing that did worry me was when he kept questioning me about ‘ how’ I choke? what kind of choking and how severe? as far as I’m concerned choking is bloody choking!!! :roll:
    I’ll send in mire evidence ie my speech therapists recommendations.

    Fingers, toes & lips crossed :bite:

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP


    I am worried when my DLA is migrated to PIP. I have little to no evidence as I do you not have any appointments with any medical professionals, I am only in contact with my physiotherapist twice a year by telephone review (their decision not mine) and I only contact the occupational therapy as and when I require but as they can doing so little that is rather rare.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    Hi! AMGmod
    That is what I am going through now so in advance I deliberately booked appointments with ‘ALL’ of my health care professionals so I could give them (DWP) up to date evidence.

    So my advice for what its worth is book a face to face appointment with your Physio & OT and any other you can think of?
    They cant really do anything for me either but I thought their opinions even if ‘we cant do anything’ may count for something ?
    My reasoning is the more Health Professions considered opinion to explain what I can & cannot do the better!

    Touch wood!

    Posts: 364
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    Re: Claiming PIP

    :Post: :yes: Touch wood indeed!

    When I get the dreaded form arrives, I will prime my GP and the others that I need evidence and now.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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