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  • #74345

    I like, when I’m in my flat, to put to good use the wondrous invention of the blanket. Except, it’s not so wondrous when you add a set of wheels into the equation… was my last straw this morning when it wrapped around the front wheel in true anaconda style, preventing me from getting to the door for the delivery guy – who kindly spent 5 mins unraveling it for me :oops:. I know in part it’s my fault but it does things of its own volition too :o :shock: …..anyone got a handy alternative that isnt a slanket thingy as they dont close at the back and rely on the wearer possessing victorian shoulders?

    What about second breakfast?


    Posts: 266
    Joined: 01/10/2010
    Re: Blanket

    I understand what you mean, blankets/rugs/knee warmers are so anti-wheel. Is the crux of the problem that the blanket is too wide?

    I have a hand made blanket that is narrow enough to cover me and still have spare wither side but not oodles that mean it drapes shifts and then gets hypnotically drawn to the wheel.

    Just had a thought, if you used a scarf to tie the blanket around your lower legs, would that help, or be an added faff for when you need to ger your legs free.

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Blanket

    What about a onesie or is that to awkward to get on and off?

    Posts: 1,015
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Blanket

    Perhaps it is too wide and too long – I like wrapping it so my lower back doesnt get cold either…..scarf doesnt work (tried it).

    Onesies are not my friend.

    What about second breakfast?


    Posts: 266
    Joined: 01/10/2010
    Re: Blanket

    How about [if this makes sense] put the blanket on the chair, you then sit in the chair and then wrap the excess across your body?

    It’s akin to wrapping a town around you after a shower, sorta, kinda like [wish I could draw, makes like easier, lol]

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

    Posts: 4,751
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Blanket

    i do a variation of AMG.

    i drape shawl over chair, then sit, arrange top half(nothing worse than top half being too tight)

    for the legs. I roll each side around one leg at a time and wedge in knees. I have been known to use pegs, kilt pins, big safty pins and staples to glow worm mysself up. 8-)

    for feet I have a fluffy sheep foot thing.


    remeber to pee before wrapping up ;)

    and arrange phone, remotes and pringles in a handy place

    Posts: 1,002
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    Re: Blanket

    Not sure if this is of any use – came across it when I was looking for a foot muff thing for outside.

    It’s the same as the bath towel wrap around concept.

    I have a wrap thing like a blanket with a slit in it that goes round me and drapes over legs – but I’m always getting tangled up in my wheels unless I tuck it under my legs. Slanket is my favourite but can’t move unless someone picks up my ‘tail’ and I hold it on my knee (and it does fall off my droopy shoulders but I’m thinking of a bit of velcro for fixing that).

    One day someone is going to have to cut me free from getting wrapped around my wheels! Hope you find something that works!

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
    Re: Blanket

    I’m wondering if a homemade sleeping bag style thing is worth giving a shot, loose at the top but not at the bottom. Zip/velcro/toggle fastening up to just above the knees? Dragon’s Den anyone?

    What about second breakfast?


    Posts: 266
    Joined: 01/10/2010
    Re: Blanket

    Good idea, sounds like a chrysalis type thing! Would be lovely if it was made of fleece or fur inside! Bit tricky to get into though! Could imagin Duncan Bannatyne saying “ah’m no’ investin'” ! :D

    Posts: 383
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