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  • #186520
    BCI Emotiv Headsets.

    Hi Everyone,

    I’ve been doing some research into BCI headsets ( headsets that allow you to control your environment from your brainwaves, like eyegaze technology but with a headset). I just wondered if anyone with a neurological condition has any experience of them?
    I’ve heard that Emotive is the best but does anyone know if that’s the case? I can’t use eyegaze anymore as my vent mask interferes with the signal and I’m finding it harder to dictate my work to scribes and to converse with new people. It can do voice activations, environmental controls and drive your wheelchair which is what I was also hoping to use it for. Here’s a link of a paraplegic man driving a racing car with it (it has to be seen to be believed).

    I’d be really grateful if anyone can help?

    Posts: 4
    Joined: 10/05/2015
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