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  • #74930

    AMG has taught us a new word.

    Autorip is a fantastic new giveaway by the by fine and generous folk at Amazon (some curmudgeon
    in the corner is muttering something about guilty conscience and tax thingies but I do not understand him).

    Apparently this offer means that for every CD or Vinyl you have bought from Amazon since 1999 they will give you
    a free digital / MP3 copy. You do not have to do anything at all, they automatically add it to your Amazon Cloud
    Player and you can play it on virtually any device.

    If you do not have Amazon cloud player simply set it up and they songs will be there for you. Play them on
    your PC or there is an Android App and an Apple one too. They are up in the mythical cloud !

    It sounded too good to be true but I opened my Cloud Player and there they were 23 new entries. Some
    I had forgotten about, ten were ones other people ordered through my Amazon account years ago. Lovely
    surprise and I can play them on laptop, Nexus, iPod and iPad without taking up any storage space on any of them.

    Very importantly these new tracks do not count towards the free limit of 250 songs on the the cloud player. Any
    above that and you are charged a yearly fee.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Autorip……..

    Curmy says the clue is in the title and this giveaway is blatantly self-serving as these people are desperately
    trying to rescue failing business models.Customers are moving away from purchasing albums and even
    moving away from actual ownership of music with so many “on demand” streaming services.

    Me, I am just happy to have a few freebies.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Autorip……..

    Off in search if Amazon cloud player …. :p

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Autorip……..

    OMG it includes all the embarrassing crap I’ve bought for others too!!

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: Autorip……..

    @amgmod wrote:

    OMG it includes all the embarrassing crap I’ve bought for others too!!


    Oh I dread to think what mine will include, off to search for my cloud too…

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
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    Re: Autorip……..

    What an incorrigible rogue I am.

    I have been persuading a person to order CD’s through my Amazon account not telling them that
    I am getting a free digital copy.

    He doesn’t have a computer though, just a lot of section 21 notices to issue so I do not
    feel too bad.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Autorip……..

    @taungfox wrote:

    What an incorrigible rogue I am.

    I have been persuading a person to order CD’s through my Amazon account not telling them that
    I am getting a free digital copy.

    He doesn’t have a computer though, just a lot of section 21 notices to issue so I do not
    feel too bad.

    das sneaky :Post:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Posts: 4,751
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    Re: Autorip……..

    Whoa I so have to try this tomorrow…thanks so much for the heads up Taung!!

    Muscular Dystrophy UK staff member

    Alexa Follen
    Posts: 32
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    Re: Autorip……..

    Amazon are the nice Kindle people are they not?

    Surely they will now be giving us a Kindle digital copy for every normal
    paper page book that we have bought from Amazon.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

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    Re: Autorip……..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Amazon are the nice Kindle people are they not?

    Surely they will now be giving us a Kindle digital copy for every normal
    paper page book that we have bought from Amazon.

    Owww that would be awesomely wonderful :mrgreen:

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

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    Re: Autorip……..

    Ho, Ho, Ho,

    ….the same person has just phoned up and asked if I will order him three more CD’s on Amazon.


    What I did not realise is that you get the Autorip copy instantly while he has to wait a few
    Days for the physical copy to turn up.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Autorip……..

    @taungfox wrote:

    Ho, Ho, Ho,

    ….the same person has just phoned up and asked if I will order him three more CD’s on Amazon.


    What I did not realise is that you get the Autorip copy instantly while he has to wait a few
    Days for the physical copy to turn up.

    :yes: tee hee, thats skillz

    I'm always the animal, my body's the cage

    I blog about nothingness

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    Re: Autorip……..

    It gets even better.

    Just looked at my confirmation of order.

    There is also a new promotion from Amazon from August 1st to February 2014 on £ 1 credit to be
    spent on music in their MP3 store when you order a CD.

    Just checked my credit is there waiting for me.

    Will have fun choosing some free music this afternoon.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Autorip……..

    Apparently hardly any of my music over the past year or so has been Autorip. Tut!

    Muscular Dystrophy UK staff member

    Alexa Follen
    Posts: 32
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    Re: Autorip……..

    Digital versions of 202 albums, 2239 tracks have ended up in my music thingy thanks to this (and Mr Amazon’s skilled accountants). Some of which are somewhat embarrassing, having, of course, been bought as presents for others (ahem). :oops:

    Posts: 564
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    Re: Autorip……..

    @petered wrote:

    Digital versions of 202 albums, 2239 tracks have ended up in my music thingy thanks to this (and Mr Amazon’s skilled accountants:

    Wow, that is a lot of music.

    We should have bought our CD’s from Amazon like you obviously did.

    Being in the Amazon Cloud Player this will not take up any space on any of Peter’s devices
    and he can access and play them any of them. Good deal.

    "Even if you are not paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you!".

    Posts: 4,630
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    Re: Autorip……..

    @taungfox wrote:

    @petered wrote:

    Digital versions of 202 albums, 2239 tracks have ended up in my music thingy thanks to this (and Mr Amazon’s skilled accountants:

    Wow, that is a lot of music.

    We should have bought our CD’s from Amazon like you obviously did.

    I do try to buy music direct from the performers when I can. And I go through phases of trying to avoid buying from Mr Amazon’s Emporium, but usually get drawn back in because of price considerations. But I do probably buy too much music generally. And I don’t like buying only in mp3 format, as I do sort of like the artefact – artwork, sleeve notes and all that stuff. And to hold a shiny CD or bit of vinyl in my hands…

    Posts: 564
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