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  • #73988
    Air Pressure Wheelchair Cushion

    Hey guys,
    I’ve had my fair share of wheelchair cushions in my 23 years. I’ve gone from foam, memory foam, J-Cushion to Roho air pressure cushion with the air bit just in the bum section and foam under the thighs for better balance as I couldn’t balance on a full Roho. Only thing is half my bum is numb due to sciatica so I cannot tell when the seat needs to be pumped up. My family and carers have tried sitting on it themselves and pressing on the air bit to see if it’s flat but are finding it hard to tell too! My Mum has a theory that this roho cushion may be aggrevating the sciatica further but air cushions are suppost to be the ultimate pressure relief right??? I’m completely fine on my alternating air pressure mattress but the air roho cushion is a different story. It’d be great if I could find an alternating air pressure cushion that maybe charges overnight so the air is constantly moving under me like the air mattress. I’m so boney now even trouser pockets cause bruising. I’m constantly aware of my “bum bone” digging in the cushion. I tried to look up the type of cushion where the air moves like the mattress but could ony find american websites. I also asked the wheelchair centre for advice but they tell me I’ve got the best pressure relief on the market. Surely thats not right? I have an awful time sitting upright in my wheelchair cos of the sciatic nerve pain and more than 1 person has suggested because the bones are so close to the skin with no muscle to pad them and not being able to tell if my seats flat that the cushion may actually be causing the sciatic pain!! Any advice, experiences I’d be appreciative to hear :) Thanks

    Posts: 69
    Joined: 18/03/2011
    Re: Air Pressure Wheelchair Cushion


    I have been given a cushion to use as and when I need it in my new wheelchair. It is basically a case full of little bits of torn up, thin foam and provides good relief but still supportive. It is so difficult to get both pressure relief and support – I have had similar issues to you in past. I find people tend to suggest bean bags to me a lot but they shift around to much to be of any use. Another type of cushion I have tried in the past is one filled with lots of little pockets of air – look like pyramid teabags – and as with the tiny bits of foam, you can take some out or put more in the case to find the right amount.

    Hope you manage to get something that works for you.

    A learning experience is one of those things that say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.” - Douglas Adams

    sar78 sar78
    Posts: 2,246
    Joined: 05/03/2015
    Re: Air Pressure Wheelchair Cushion

    Hi, I know just what you mean about the boney bit on pelvis/bum and sciatica – I have the same problem and its agony and gives me numbness as well. I had one of those tests where you sit on a mat with sensors that measures the pressure (OT did it at the wheelchair service). Basically I find there is only one type that has given me relief (bar the odd bit if I don’t have a bit of relief say little shuffles/transfers to loo breaks). Its the

    ” Invacare Flotech Solution”

    Basically it has a rigid contoured base for your thighs to sit in but then half way up the rigid(ish) foam stops and the bum bit is two gel pads. You can squish the gel a bit at night to move it more into the bone hole for example! I sometimes use a small bit of foam on my leaning side under the gel for a few cm extra clearance. I went from not being able to sit for more than 10 mins because of the pain on that bit to all day. I only get pain now if strapped into the car where I am held down into the cushion and getting more pressure for a long time.

    Anything with air throws me off balance and can worsen a scoliosis as you over compensate to stay upright and bend yourself into worse angles (if you have scoliosis that is). I was advised to go for stability and pressure relief from gel.

    I used to have a foam cushion with gel in side the whole thing which was great for a while until I leaned more and more and caused more pressure than the cushion was made for.

    If you can get a cushion sensor test – then they are really cool and show if the cushion is working and where the pressure is if your can’t locate it yourself. :-)

    Posts: 307
    Joined: 15/03/2011
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