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  • #151712
    Scared please read

    My female cousin on my moms side that just found out 2 of her 3 boys have DMD. We have no known family history, My grandmas brother was fine and so are my 2 uncles on my moms side. My faternal twin sister had a carrier test and hers was negative but i did not have one and just found out im pregnant.

    Im so terrified i failed and something will be wrong. Since we have no known history we were thinking it was spontaneous. Im sure the doc will check but my apt isnt for 2 weeks and i have such awful anxiety :'( Im not sure how to think.

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    Joined: 14/09/2017
    Reply To: Scared please read

    Hello and welcome Stellanova. I am glad you have found us. It is indeed a very difficult time for you but as you have said yourself, many of your family emembers have shown themselves to unaffected by the condition, it is not impossible to believe that you may well be the same.
    I would really encourage you to go for help earlier than two weeks if you can. Muster your courage and arrnage to be tested so that at least you know where you stand. There are many things you need to prepare ready for the new baby so just look on it as one of those. If it is negative then you can go on with the other things, if it is positive then you can at least seek help and support in good time and make appropriate decisions.
    Above all do not let these thoughts take away from you those beautiful times that you will have carrying your new child and of course holding them afterwards. Quite irreplaceable.

    So many love songs, so little love.

    embayweather embayweather
    Posts: 8
    Joined: 02/11/2015
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